Im soooo tired, whats wrong?

i have a swollen lymph node on my thyroid and have gotten a ultra sound done on it self say a month and a partially ago the doctor said it looks good and not cancerous but she be going to send me to a ear feeler and throat specialist just to be sure. capably they soonest they could get me surrounded by is the end of july so i said ok thinking she influence the ultra sound pics if it looked unpromising i would get contained by sooner, latly i have be feeling so tired almost intolerable its hard to carry out of bed and all daylight long i'm pooped. i was wondering if it could be because of my thyroid and if i should try to grasp in sooner, or conceivably its just the boil.what do you think


What do you think vag. like resembling?

Thyroid problems do cause sleepiness. I have an overactive thyroid & took the radiation for it. Did your doc do a CBC (blood test, complete blood count is what it stands for I think) to check thyroid function level? If not, I'd call her subsidise to have it done. It might oblige the ENT doctor too.

If you have the Mirena IUD (and especially if you're over 35), what do you suppose of it?

I've experienced tiredness for over 2 months after the death of my best friend.. big anxiety and depression were the bring of my demise...immune system dropped and I caught everyone's illnesses which made me even more tired.. I went on a trip and tolerate my daughter care for me, inside 2 weeks, I felt peppy, have positive thoughts and put them to use by being productive next to many hot activities and organizational skills developed once again. I'm doing a tour to recovery and hopefully your tiredness will turn away too once you try and get out of your rut and hang on to busy with positive mind flow.
Good luck and know
what doesn't wipe out us will make us stronger

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