For those going through the menopause?

i am only 29 nd i hold been told that i am going through the menopause already.

i suffer hot flushed that at times are so bleak that i feel nauseus, my dr tried to make me to take prescription drugs but i dont want to unless i really own to.

i have be taking black cohosh for the hot flushes which works but the hot weather is not helping.

anyone else suffer anything similar and how did you deal beside it, regardless of age.

HELP! I put in a tampon and I can't seize it out!?

Wow! I know just how you consistency!
I suffer with hot flashes and seize completely sweaty. I have tried everything the doctors recommended and hold found that while there really isn't a cure in attendance are some things that can help. I found a source for pj's that evaporate the sweat really hastily. I can even wear the tank tops to exercise class and am much drier than the others in that. On top of everything else, I live in a sweltering climate and wear the tank top out. I used to stir up every night soaked and immediately there are night when the pj's dissipate the sweat fast ample that I just sleep through it. I tried a few different brands of pj's and the ones that worked the best and be the most comfortable are available at The pajamas should reduce the severity of the hot flashes so you shouldn't grain nauseous.
Good Luck... I want there be more for us. But at least this is something.

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well i go through menopause 4 times and i am 36 lol..i had really doomed to failure endometriosis so they put me into menopause with a drug call danocrine.then i have a hystorectomy.i tried to do it without the hormones but the hot flashes, insomnia, moodiness, low sex drive be too much for i am on the femmring, it is a low dose and it have helped me so much. i appreciate not wanting to take drugs but ar 29 i guess you might want to give them a try if you cannot run the symptoms..believe me i know it is miserable. good luck

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Menopause is a stage in vivacity when a woman stops having her monthly length.It is a normal cut of aging, marking the expire of a woman's reproductive years.Get enough calcium. A woman going through menopause wishes 1000 mg to 1500 mg of calcium a day. Avoid excessive amounts of saline to reduce bloating associated near hormonal changes. More information and remedies at

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