Is it mundane to not have a extent while on birth control pills?

I'm 21 years old and enjoy been have periods since I've be 11. I have never missed a time before (though own had them precipitate and late). I have be on the pill for the last 3 years, and started taking tri-cyclen lo four months ago. I haven't have any problems until now, when my extent didn't come. I take it as regularly as I can, and at hand's no way I'm pregnant. I know it's ordinary to skip periods when you're not on the pill, but what just about when you're on it? And I do have some small cramps and my breasts are tender close to they normally are. But that's it. So I be just wondering if this have happened to anyone else formerly.

(P.S. I am a worry-wort. I worry about EVERYTHING, so I could merely be overreacting.)


I am trying to conceive but couldnt due to block tubes what can i do.pls i have tried ivf and it erstwhile?

Maybe not normal, but not surprising, the longer you are on the pill, the thinner the pool liner of the uterus and the less extra to lose respectively month. You might want to check with your ob/gyn to see if this might affect the possibility of adjectives pregnancies if you want to have kids after that?

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