Problem during last extent?

During my last term, I noticed that in that was blood single on one side of the tampon, what could be the problem?


When do you no when its time to change your condom?

it funds your period be lighter than usual so the tampon was a better than necessary absorbancy (which they speak try to use only as much as you need) so it's not something you really need to verbs about.

Tampon or Different Absorbancy Tampon?

i think(only i think) in attendance is no problem. as far as I know the menstrual-blood come from the uterus though vagina and depends what are you doing in this time. if you are sitting it flow to the nucleus of the tampon, if you are lied on your back it flow to the rear and if you lay on your stomach it flow in front of tampon. depends how you stay or what you do. it doesn't comes from 2 parts of your vagina

Hair loss =(?

This is not a problem. It happen often. You may enjoy inserted the tampon in such a way that the blood be only enthralled on the one side of it.

I have for a moment pimple on my lower left breast?

It happen to me often as in good health. Not sure why, but I'm sure (hope) its nothing unpromising.

Embarrasing question nearly bleeding?

no need to verbs the blood is usally on one side of mine

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