Breast growth?

i am fifteen, i have have my period for two years, and someone told me that two years after your time of year starts you are relitivly close to fully developed, and i am still pretty flat chested.

am i going to be flat forever,

and without buying a supleament, is at hand anything i can do to incourage breast growth, (i.e. certian foods, massage,,?)

Bra Problems!?

you still enjoy a long time to grow. some girls are just slowly bloomers. i am sure you will be fine. i had a terrifically skinny friend who didnt blossom to a D until she was 18.

Thyroid Problem?

breast size is genetic. You own no control over it. The only other likelihood is breast augmentation. You are too young for that. Don't place so much inflection on breast size. It really does not matter.

Traveling messes up my term, does that happen to anyone else?

I'm sorry to hear that you'll be sorrowful with small breasts. Small breasts are wonderful. You entail to find someone who will be attracted to you, for who you are, and what you have. Please don't try to hold something nature did not intend.

At what age should you start going to the GYN?

well you could look into sports. girls who play sports, unanimously develop faster than other girls. i woulod suggets soccer or cheerleading. good luck!

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