After giving birth my period is not majority?

I delivered my little girl on April 4th stillborn at 36 I never get to breast feed or anything but I merely got what I suggest is my period yesterday and it's not 'common' for me. I have be bleeding VERY heavy and cramping VERY weakly which I never had earlier. I only bleed for 3 weeks massively lightly after I have the baby vaginally because these idiot doctors did a D&C after. They also give me pills (unkown kind) that they said would stop my breast milk but I still have some and it's an extraordinary color (like a sick yellow color that's brand of can stain the white tissue). I'm generous of worried because I've always have very flimsy periods...after using a regula tampon for an 8 hour interval it would never soak through but yesterday I was soaking through after 3 hours and today isn't looking any better. What can I do if I can't jump to the doctor?


Short girls ok?

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. That is a severely difficult thing to concord with. The yellow-ish breast discharge is colostrom. Don't lug any medications to dry up the breast milk - it'll take place naturally. Just hold some breast pads contained by your bras to prevent leaking through to your shirt. Don't stimulate the nipples at adjectives. If they get sore, apply a cold compress to them to alleviate the niggle.

As for the bleeding, it's normal to hold abnormal period after birth. If you were soaking more than a wad an hour, I would tell you to walk to your local emergency room. The first period or two after birth may be heavier than everyday, especially since you had a D & C. If the bleeding last more than 5-7 days total, go put a bet on to the doctor. Get a 2nd opinion if you hold to. Make sure you massage your uterus. It'll sustain to lessen the bleeding as well.

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