I am dying of cancer(breast). I am fearful of death. How do I gain some peace in the past I die?


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You are still here because you still have a purpose. My best proposal to you is to read The Purpose-Driven Life by Rick Warren. It has given me implication and direction in my enthusiasm that I can't even begin to explain.

The knob is to know where you are going when you die and this book will answer that for you and convey you what to do in the show time as well.

I love my go, and I know I would be scared for my house if I was surrounded by your same situation, but I'm not afraid of dying. To me it represents a new birth fairly than a death.

I know where on earth I'm going with 100% demonstrability and it brings me peace every day.

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I am so sorry! May the Lord be with you.

I know it is a troubling time to reckon positive but spend times with your loved ones. A dutiful laugh is adjectives you need. Do what you relish. If you are allowed out then try things you would in general not do. If you are stuck in the hospital capture a scrapbook & LOT of pictures you have of you and your family circle & friends and just put them together. And buy stickers & it will be magnificent.

Love always!


Pray to God. He wil comfort you surrounded by your time.

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im so sorry. know that you will be resurrected one day and its just going to be a long sleep and u won t feel anything

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I really don't know what to share you. I am really sorry to hear that, tho. I wish they could find a cure... I guess freshly try not to think almost it (even tho that's probably hard...) and try to wallow in some time with friends or house. Good luck!! ^_^

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Think back throughout your energy. What are the things that you've always looked-for to do? Make a list of those things and do them! Most population who are at the end of their existence feel that it's not the things they did that bother them but, a bit, it's the things that they didn't do. I hope this helps and I hope you find your peace.

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think of adjectives the good times contained by your life and that adjectives the people tat hold passed away in your natural life are waiting for you. (not in a im going to suck your life away so you are next to me sooner, but in a patiant waiting) im praying for you. to some release maybe a appalling and frightening thing, but i share those people to suggest of death as the subsequent great adventure.

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Im so markedly sorry, for u and ur family!! May God bless and hold respectively of u close!! Only God can help you, settle to him, and let him know how u be aware of, he will be there beside you every step of the way! God Bless You!

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I enjoy read a lot of articles almost doctors seeing death everyday. They influence that they look not only relaxing but fulfilled. None of us really know what happens when we die, purely know that life go on even after death -- enthusiasm always finds a method. I feel for you; I don't know what you are going through, but I know it must be difficult. I reflect on I would spend my time with friends and line as much as possible.

Please don't be afraid, there is a wonderful expedition for you ahead. Feel free to e-mail me if you want to talk to someone.

Take vigilance.

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Go on time off, if its not too bad. Forget you hold cancer for a few days, just live natural life to its fullest while you can, as they say, live approaching you were dying. . .

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I am so sorry.. I dont contemplate however there is a right answer for your ask. But I do feel that you could gain peace in knowing that you will be in a better place. Spend time near family and those that you love and live the rest of your life to the fullest of your capability everyday and until your time comes... God Bless You


i am sorry to hear to gain peace you must settle ALL of your affairs- family etc if you are religious turn to god do not be afraid of departure for your body dies and your spirit lives on remeber TO SETTLE YOUR AFFAIRS i don't mean extra connubial either- i mean if you fought will a friend aquantance child mom sis etc be the bigger personality make the first step and draw from in contact next to them-- for a long time i did not speak with my sister within april 06 my sister was diagnosed next to stage 4 (worst stage) ovarian cancer when my other sister told me i recontacted my sister in october 06 she died BECAUSE OF MY STUPIDITY i did not see my sister past she died and the last time i saw her formerly her diagnosis was 1989! ever sunshine i think "would hold should have could have" NOW TO LATE for me and my sister so please settle things and do something you needed to do before you are to sick to do example travel

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I'm very sorry..!! I yearning there be a way to prevent this from stirring..
Try to keep your mind out of it.Do the things you've other wanted to do,be next to the people you love the most and don't reflect on about the overcast side of it.Even though I don't really have a religion I follow,my prayers are beside you for your peace of mind.

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First, let me say aloud how sorry I am to hear about your condition.
Death is something that affects those in different ways. I presume that as humans, we are all fearfull of destruction, because it is the great unknown. Many religions offer tons explainations of life after disappearance, but sometimes self preservation prevents us from exploring these ideas.

Depending on your principle, you may pray for deliverance. You may also look hindmost on your life, and evoke all of the memories that bring you brightness and joy. People commonly look back, and find childhood friends, relatives, or even childhood pets, and take out funny stories about respectively of them. Before they know it, they are laughing, and have long forgotten doesn`t matter what had be troubling them.

However you find it, I do hope that you find the peace you are looking for. And I hope that it will not offend you if I pray for peace to find you.

Godspeed, and be strong.

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omg! i am so sorry.my tia (aunt) rosa died from that. its okay everyone who posed an answer is with u okay! pray to the man up strais and he will definatly furnish u peace.

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Im so sorry! But if i were you (because i luv my people so much) id explain to everyone i luv them. and spend more time with them rather. take pictures of them, do crafts. put together sure you have a will. Im sorry that this is arranged to you. how old are you? also if you hold some extra big bucks, donate. *dont have to, you could administer it to an relitve* but I would donate it to a breast cancer foundation.

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I'm so sorry is not assured I lost my father with pancrea cancer n my aunt near breast cancer 2 days apart n is not easy. I believe that u should step to church n pray u will find peace within' urself n try to be strong. GOD BLESS U. I WILL BE PRAYING FOR U.

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I'm so sorry. All I can deliberate of is to be with your ancestral. Do stuff with them, hold fun. Be with your matured friends part of the time... Call other associates and tell them they be a great friend/family member. Most importantly preserve hoping. I'm sorry it has to be this path. Just have fun beside family and friends, or pray. That's adjectives I can really think of.

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i am soooo sorry. i will distribute my prayers.

i think first you should be in motion make-up next to whoever you have be fighting next to and maybe if you're contained by love with someone relate them how you feel. put in the picture your friends and family you love them as much as possible and dont ever stress out just about anything. try going on a spa date with your friends and relax. also dont mask your feelings merely let it out. build sure you live the rest of your life to the fullest.

may god be next to you.

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I am so sorry, and I decision there be a cure because everyone deserves a chance. I am fearful of release as well so you are not alone. I vote to spend as much fun time as you can like spending time near family and friends doing anything you want. Also, reflect on the positive things in your time.

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I'm so sorry. Its ok basically think its better to die than to suffer. Be near your family as most as you can. Enjoy and appreciate vivacity, go and own fun. Try not to think of yourself drying..deliberate of were are immediately. Let god be with you. Take concern and everyone loves you.

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i am so very sorry to hear something close to that!, I wish that if miracles come about, one would make you better, right away!
It is a extraordinarily hard point facing death, i just know, because my sister died of lymphoma, and she was worried around everything, her kids, her husband, everything she had done surrounded by her life, i conjecture it made it easier, even though, alot of her dreams were not fulfilled.
I be also in the room where on earth this very close creature, passed on, and at that moment there be such a peaceful consciousness in the room, it be actually a idea I never accepted to perceive.
I think that as long You hold your close ones with You, you wont be afraid, that consciousness of peace will come to You.
Its probably some kind of devine power that make You face it, minus fear, and next to such peace.
I believe that when we die we all ,relatives, friends, or even someone we own seen only just for a second in our vivacity, we will all be together. So that thought make me not be afraid,
That peace will come to You, I am sure so dont be afraid.
Anyone of us can die at any time but we dont fear that, do we?. Finally I need You peace, and I do believe we stay close to our loved ones, even though we are probably in a parallel time somehow!. Wish You love..

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