Out of no where ive be getting stomach aches n be aware of bloated all afternoon! what can this be?

it doesnt matter wat i put away and most of the time i dont get hungry..sometimes i basically eat once a daylight..wats wrong!!

Is discharge normal?

You answered your own sound out, you eat once a morning. That is the problem. You are eating once and overeating because you are adjectives hungry. Start eating respectable and eat 3x a daylight plus healthy snacks. You will surface so much better and you will find that your stomach won't get bloated any.

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I'm matching way near my eating behaviour, but have never have this problem; but a close friend of mine did. She went to doctor after doctor and go through so many test! I'm not saying this is your problem, but you want to go to a doctor, and if he/she doesn't bring it up and tell you they don't know, you need to ask just about IBS - irratable bowel syndrome. It seems to be a woman's medical problem, but my friend go through so much hell to find this out, just trying to accumulate you a chance to rule it out, if it's not.

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