Birth Control Pill?

For the past several years, I enjoy been taking my bcp continously every month in a row to avoid getting my periods. Another words I do not clutch the sugar pill row, I just start another pack. This mode I don't get my horrific interval. Every few months I will take the sugar pill row and allow my interval to come. My doctor prescibes the lowest dosage pill. The reason I started doing this is to avoid my term all together, I suffer fron horribe cramps and big flow which I've been checked for, the dr. say I'm ok its just everyday for me. I haven't told my prmary dr that I do this for fear of getting fussed at and also embrassed. Do you reflect this is dangerous? I am 41yrs ripened so I won't be taking them much longer. I know that they are few brands on the market which work near the same concept. I have the idea 1st. Whats your opinon? tu

Period Troubles! Girls solitary!?

You should let adjectives of your doctors know what you are taking and how often. I'm sure if you explain your situation to your primary doctor they'll become conscious. Taking the pill continuously is not dangerous, especially because you pocket the sugar row occasionally.

Breast size.?

I also did this way since the Seasonale thing also. There really isn't any medical use why you HAVE to have your interval, also, a pill period isn't a actual period anyway. I do suggest speaking next to your doctor about it though, or perchance consider going on a shot like Depo.

Latex Condems..docters or women just?

just tell the doctor. you never know what other problems might come from taking it continuously. you are probably ok, but do it purely to cover your bases.

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I think that trying to stop the inbred body functions is very tremendously bad. Like you said, you won't be have periods for long, so try and tough it out until it's time. Taking adjectives these pills to try and stop your period could affect your vigour in the adjectives. :(

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I am glad to see I'm not the solely one who takes the pill this road. And to all the ethnic group who say its bleak for me - well I solitary had two other option: A.) Curl up in bed and cry surrounded by agony for ten days of the month, unable to work, cook or verbs; or B.) Take so many prescription affliction killers that by presently my liver would be shot to h.
What women do not realise is that the bleeding you get on the pill is NOT a spell, it is a reaction to taking sugar pills instead of hormones, its a withdrawl symptom, hence it is call a withdrawl bleed not a period.
I wont walk in to more detail as so masses women get really angry at me when I dispense them the facts! But I will give you the best suggestion possible...go to this website. It is from the Mayo Clinic, a medical organisation respected around the sphere for their decades of medical research and world class patient treatment.
Best of luck and be sure to read what is on this site. Dont be afraid to detail your doctor...this is your right to choose to do this and there is NO MEDICAL EVIDENCE to prove that the bleeding you return with on the pill benefits your body in any bearing what so ever.

I need some guidance.?

It is not normal to be suffering from cramps so horrible that you can't function. I would recommend getting a second evaluation and preferably from someone that does not share the same organization of the dr that you use as your gynecologist.

The debate about whether continuous is sheltered to use long term (and I use it for treating endometriosis) rage on but I would recommend telling your primary contemplation physician just so that it's slice of your medical record contained by case other issues could possibly come surrounded by to play in the adjectives.

The idea of continuous birth control pills hold been around for a while, around 30 year some years for the treating of medical issues such as endometriosis but as far as using it for the thing of not have a period freshly to not have one have only become popular inwardly the last nearly 10 years. And this is also one of the reason the debate continues to rage just about how safe it is especially presently with the certainty that another pill has be approved to keep a woman from have her period a year at a time.

But because of those horrible cramps I would recommend seeing another gynecologist because it's vastly possible that you may be dealing with endometriosis.

To swot more about endometriosis please check out:

I own met a couple of women that did not get diagnosed beside endometriosis till they were surrounded by their 40s.

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