Period comfort?

i am 12 years old and enjoy had discharge for a year i enjoy hair on my vagina

how much longer until i enjoy my first period and what is your term like and does it hurt or anything


Septate Hymen?

Hon, not a soul can really answer this question. From the things that you mentioned, it could be close but at hand is no way of knowing. As near all immature girls, your period tend to come when it is the furthest away thing from your mind.

Don't verbs, It will come one day.

I took a pregnancy interview and it said im not pregnant but why im not starting my period this month?

I dont reflect hair is an issue. It depends I have discharge for a while ustill I first had mine. Your length is annoying but you have to enjoy it so you get used to it. The one and only time it will hurt is when you have cramps. Hope I help.

Nuvaring Experience?

1-2 years after having a discharge but i have a discharge for 3 years and right when i was 12 and a partially i got my first time mostly girls get nearby periods when ever here mom had theres but the average age to start your time of year is 12 and half you can achieve your period anytime i will suggest bringing a pack of pad to school merely in suitcase but you will have to be forgiving and wait till you attain your first period

Why do ladies enjoy vaginal odors?

it depends every girl's different. it may take a while till you take it or it may be soon.

your period doesnt hurt. you may obtain cramps, which will hurt, but the actually extent doesnt. the first time, you'll probably see a big brown spot in your underwear, and near'll be blood on the toilet paper. it'll concluding for about 4-6 days, after it should come every month. but at first, it's really irregular. you'll feel discomfited at first, but you'll get used to it. = ] don't verbs about it

Its be almost a year and a few months since ive had sex so when i do it again on prom dark, will it hurt

if you constantly have discharge, thats not well-mannered. Maybe you have an infection? If you hold an infection you need to see a Gyno, she will examine afterwards give you some medication to clear it up.
You spell will come when its ready, in that is no way to narrate when exactly it will come untill you have have it for a while and can track your cycle. You may want to ask your mom, she might be able to let somebody know you when hers started and yours maybe arround like time :)
When you get it you may go and get cramps, bloating, headache, irrtable moods.
Some times yes it does hurt, the cramps and back niggle is what hurts me, the actual blood that is comming out does not hurt and your vagina does not hurt a short time ago the cramps and headache or backache hurts.
You can take ibprofan or advil or pamprin/ midol to help
Dont stress over it, eveyr natural woman has one and if your worried almost having it at academy, just stick a wad in your purse or backpack so you will be ready

GOOD LUCK & I hope I help you

Are my measurements big?

It depends, different peopl's body work different ways. You period doesn't hurt, but most females acquire cramps. It's more severe for some and other it's very frothy and manageable.

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