PMS make me crazy!!?
Haven't gotten my interval in 5 weeks. Pregnancy interview is negative. What is going on?
Same here! Tea, exersize, yoga, heat pads and baths work for cramps... Midol also help. I have a storage of chocolate, but when I obtain emotional I chomp through so much that I have to hold on to track of it in a publication. Once I ate so much I felt resembling throwing up, so now I hold on to it under lock and switch... but that doesn't really help, 'effect I always hold on to the key surrounded by the lock.. Bleh!!
well you own passed the first stage, you admit it. Now shift to your dr and tell her adjectives these same things and she can provide you with option to help you. It's amazing
I going to the doctor but I still enjoy my period!?
I'm right nearby with you!It totally sucks!
Try varying your diet and eating decent.
Vitamin supplements help me. I clutch a multi-vitamin and calcium. I swear by Calcium.
And pass the Snickers, girl, you a moment ago gotta indulge when you feel so dang awful!!
Yeah I return with the same fear. For the past 4/5 days I hold been have cramps as if i'm going to start, but I came on this morning. Then this morning I woke up beside horrible pains, managed to helm out of bed and then get stuck on the floor. I was within so much pain beside it all. It be actually the most severe anguish I have ever experienced while on a interval, and it wouldn't go away and my emotion went unreserved so I just cried and cried, which, as you would expect made the pain even worse.
Sometimes it help to talk to someone. Try chitchat to someone about your mental state or see a doctor. Or, of course, i'm other here =P
Hope I helped =) x
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