Question in the order of getting a pelvic exam and pap smear?

okay, so i had a pelvic exam and pap smear lately before i could progress on birth control. I've read people's answers to girls asking what is supposed to occur.

My doctor used the thing to spread out and look up there

but is he supposed to stick something up my but and feel around within there?

he did and i feel EXTREMELY violated, especially since i had with the sole purpose been told around the vaginal part of the exam

be he supposed to do that?


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Yes, the doctor often requests to perform a rectal exam to check for problems similar to endometriosis, cysts, and other growths.

However, your doctor definately should have explained to you what he be going to do! A good doctor should explain every piece of the exam, especially when examining such private parts, so that you won't be surprised or hurt.

I know how it feels. Rectal exams are massively embarrassing and they perceive just...icky. However, rectal exams are a basic part of a gynocological exam for women over 40, so everyone experiences them eventually.

I hope I help!

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Some doctors act a rectal exam.

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The rectal exam helps the physician to examine the fund part of the uterus to catch a full exam. Some MD's pass up this quantity of the exam, or you can request to not have it.

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I be not warned of that cut of the exam either...I be laying here and all of a sudden she stuck her finger in! I be like what the heck?!? They should other inform the patients that is quantity of the exam if they do it. It was severely unexpected!

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t be probably routine, but you should call him pay for and tell him you chew over he should have told you beforehand... I regard as that was unprofessional.

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