Please tell me nearly polycystic overian syndrome.what is the right treatment for it?


Menorrhagia, treatments, experiences etc?

Well I too have PCOS and my friend told me more or less this site. It has a short time of everything from diet information to a forum that helps you. Especially if you own FAQ.

METFORMIN (Glucophage):

When first starting this medication, people will regularly experience upset stomach or diarrhea which usually resolves after the first week. This side effect can be minimized by taking metformin with a breakfast time and starting with a low dose. I recommend that our patients start near one 500 mg pill daily the first week and increase to twice a hours of daylight during the second week. If after the second week GI side effects are minimal, the dose is increased to 850 mg twice daily. Surprisingly, we own found that the extended release version, Glucophage XR seem to be associated with smaller amount weight loss as compared to the generic preparation. Patients beside reduced renal function (creatinine >1.5 or creatinine clearance <60%) are at a higher risk for a unusual side effect of metformin therapy call lactic acidosis, and the drug should be given cautiously, if at adjectives, to such patients.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Well I too have PCOS and my friend told me in the order of this site. It has for a moment of everything from diet information to a forum that helps you. Especially if you hold FAQ.

For most women, PCOS is actually cause by insulin resistance. The dark patch of skin like the one on your leg are call acanthosis nigricans, and they can be a symptom of insulin resistance. The pill does not treat insulin resistance. Many women with PCOS thieve metformin (glucophage) for insulin resistance, and they often find that their PCOS symptoms remodel because high level of insulin are thought to cause the ovaries to produce too tons male hormones. Correcting the insulin problem help to correct their hormone problems. When you are able to see a doctor, you should ask in the order of having a glucose tolerance exam or a fasting insulin audition to check for insulin resistance. A fasting glucose question paper (where they just experiment your blood sugar level) does not detect insulin resistance.



How do you know if your period is behind schedule? i really need relieve on this!?

contact the doctor who gave you the diagnosis.

I own a question in the order of Low- Ogestrel-28(birth control). I just started it this month. It have 3 rows?

this is when cysts(small sacks occupied with liquid) cover Ur ovaries or are surrounded by your ovary.some symptoms include:no periods a long time,black spots,increase in counterweight,your bully starts to expand.these cysts lie to the body that you are pregnant which lead to the above symptoms.
the causes enjoy not yet be found but there is a relation between excess solid and the disease as well as sugar level.
the treatment is simple to stabilise your hormones back to common using contraceptive pills and exercising alot.
the later stages of the disease include:infertility,deficiency of sex enjoyment,fibroids.
please work quickly if you enjoy the disease.

Am i anorexic?

You should consult a genycologist for the right choice of medicine as if you took a prescription on your own - it maight lead to complications..., but I looked it up for you... here's what I found:

Traditional treatments hold been difficult, expensive and enjoy limited nouns when used alone. Infertility treatments include weight loss diets, ovulation medication (clomiphene,letrozole, Follistim, Gonal-F), ovarian drilling surgery and IVF. Other symptoms have be managed by anti-androgen medication (birth control pills, spironolactone, flutamide or finasteride).

Ovarian drilling can be perform at the time of laparoscopy. A laser fibre or electrosurgical plunger is used to puncture the ovary 10-12 times. This treatment results in a dramatic lowering of manly hormones within days. Studies enjoy shown that up to 80% will benefit from such treatment. Many who failed to ovulate beside letrozole or metformin therapy will respond when rechallenged next to these medications after ovarian drilling. Interestingly, women in these studies who are smokers, not often responded to the drilling procedure. Side effects are rare, but may result within adhesion formation or ovarian failure if the procedure is perform by an inexperienced surgeon.

For women in the reproductive age range, polycystic ovary syndrome is a serious, adjectives cause of infertility, because of the endocrine abnormality which accompany elevated insulin level. There is increasing evidence that this endocrine abnormality can be reversed by treatment with widely available standard medication which are leading medicine used in this country for the treatment of fully developed onset diabetes, metformin (Glucophage 500 or 850 mg three times per time or 1000mg twice daily next to meals), pioglitazone (Actos 15-30 mg once a day), rosiglitazone (Avandia 4-8 mg once daily) or a combination of these medications. These medication have be shown to reverse the endocrine abnormalities see with polycystic ovary syndrome inside two or three months. They can result in decrease hair loss, diminished facial and body fuzz growth, normalization of elevated blood pressure, regulation or menses, weight loss, exhaustion in cardiovascular risk factor, normal fertility, and a reduced risk of miscarriage. We hold seen pregnancies result within less than two months contained by woman who conceived in their markedly first ovulatory menstrual cycle. By six months over 90% of women treated with insulin-lowering agents, diet and exercise will resume regular menses.

The medical literature suggests that the endocrinopathy in most patients beside polycystic ovary syndrome can be resolved with insulin lowering psychiatric help. This is clinically very defining because the therapy reduce hirsutism, obesity, blood pressure, triglyceride level, elevated blood clotting factors and facilitate reestablishment of the normal pituitary ovarian cycle, thus normally allowing resumption of normal ovulatory cycles and pregnancy. We know the polycystic ovary syndrome is associated next to increased risk of heart attack and stroke because of the associated heart attack and stroke risk factors, hypertension, plumpness, hyperandrogenism, hypertriglyceridemia, and these are to a large level resolved by therapy near these medications.

Side effects are intermittent. Although metformin, rosiglitazone and pioglitazone lower elevated blood sugar levels within diabetics, when given to nondiabetic patients, they only lower insulin level. Blood sugar levels will not modification. In fact, episodes of "hypoglycemic attacks" appear to be reduced.

METFORMIN (Glucophage):
When first starting this medication, citizens will often experience upset stomach or diarrhea which usually resolves after the first week. This side effect can be minimized by taking metformin near a meal and starting next to a low dose. I recommend that our patients start with one 500 mg pill each day the first week and increase to twice a day during the second week. If after the second week GI side effects are minimal, the dose is increased to 850 mg twice each day. Surprisingly, we have found that the extended release altered copy, Glucophage XR seems to be associated next to less solidity loss as compared to the generic preparation. Patients with reduced renal function (creatinine >1.5 or creatinine clearance <60%) are at a complex risk for a rare side effect of metformin psychotherapy called lactic acidosis, and the drug should be given warily, if at all, to such patients. Patients taking metformin should notify their physician and discontinue the medication:

48 hours earlier surgery
48 hours before an IVP Xray study or other Xrays where on earth an intravenous dye is administered
If you experience shortness of breath, severe muscle weakness or chest agony
If you use alcohol excessively
These medications belong to a class of medication called PPAR gamma agonists. They enhance the expertise of smooth muscle to metabolize sugar, thereby reducing insulin resistance. The FDA has not long reviewed the safety of troglitazone (and reports that 35 patients out of approximately 1.5 million enjoy either died or required liver transplant.) Therefore Rezulin have been removed from the open market. As the new alternatives to troglitazone, (Rezulin), Rosiglitaone (Avandia) and pioglitazone (Actos) are metabolized by different liver enzymes experience have shown that these medications appear to pose minimal risk of hepatotoxicity.
BBT charts are monitored and reviewed to determine if you are ovulating.You will be asked to return three months after initiating psychoanalysis. If you have ovulated, treatment may be continued another three months to see if you will conceive. Re-evaluation will include measurements of lab tests that be abnormal at the initial evaluation. C-peptide level, a measure of insulin secretion, may also be tested. If the laboratory studies are still deviant, metformin may be increased up to 850 mg three times daily or rosiglitazone may be added. If the laboratory studies are common but ovulation has not occured, a trial of letozole may be considered. We hold seen that women who be unable to ovulate on up to 250 mg of clomiphene ovulate when totally low doses of clomiphene or letrozole is used in conjunction next to metformin or PPARgamma therapy. Laparoscopic ovarian drilling may be considered for those women where on earth other indications for laparoscopy are present.

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