What if your discharge smells approaching ammonia?


The first gynocologist visit.?

MINE DID TOO! And everyone told me to see my doctor...who told me it be normal. NO IT ISN'T.

Do a parasite cleanse and it will be gone. Don't look at me close to I am nuts...parasites are surrounded by water, on our food...we a moment ago choose to ignore them! :) When fleas decay surrounded by your body...their matter is 100 percent ammonia.

I did this cleanse contained by March and it stopped! www.humaworm.com Read their site and decide for youself. Good luck! :)

It's not thatso presently what?

see your GYN.

About BirthControl Pills?

sound like toxins to me. Are you consumption out alot, eating swift foods, microwaving most of your foods? I bet you are a meat eater right?

You need a apposite cleansing.

You should also check with your doctor - fatefully.

Girl Question, exersise?

The strong urine smell or ammonia is usually a Urinary tract infection.

Breast Pain and firmness?

This is almost a definate sign of infection.

Whats going on with me?

Is nearby any itching involved? If there is you enjoy a yeast infection that can be easily treated beside the over the counter Diflucan. It could also be Bacterial vaginosis (BV). BV is not an infection but an imbalance contained by the bacteria customarily found in the vagina. Instead of person the most predominant bacteria, the lactobacilli disappear. In their place considerable numbers of other bacteria overgrow. They can wax and wane during the menstrual cycle, and are habitually worse after intercourse. These huge numbers of bacteria effect a heavy discharge and adaptation the acid-base balance of the vagina to alkaline. With the elevated pH come increased concentrations in the vaginal fluid of proteins that relay you how bad they smell: putrescine and cadaverine. In mild form the odor is close to ammonia; a bad crust smells like unresponsive fish. When in doubt check your gynecologist.

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