Another question for women singular...very personal...I involve help beside this...?

Okay during puberty you begin to develop breasts, why is it that women develop breasts and how do you know if you are not developing cancer?

Why do our hips thicken, and we cannot fit into our old gradeschool jean?

What else can I expect from this monster.?


What could be the problem.?

Breast LUMPS (odd shaped typically approaching rice, pebbles, etc) are SOMETIMES indicators of breast cancer. Any odd shaped lump that suddenly shows up should be assessed by your doctor. You may surface lumps similar in size and shape to jelly beans...these are your milk glands developing. WHY women develop breasts is to sustain babies when they're born. Babies suckle at the breast to grasp milk...just approaching every other mammal in the animal land.

Hips widen to accommodate the carrying of babies in the pelvic region, and in apple-pie order to birth the babies without fracturing the pelvic bone.

Puberty should not be view as a "monster" but a transition into adulthood. You will verbs to grow and change from in a minute till the day you die...purely learn to breed the most of it.

What to do about PCOS?

It is adjectives so you can give and support enthusiasm (give birth). As far as cancer... you don't know unless you get checked out by the doctor I suppose, even after I'm not sure that is 100% accurate.

My TSH result is 5.2 - is it indicative of thyroid problems?

Well, first things first. Women develop breasts because is feed the baby when they enjoy one. If you find a lump on your breast that is kinda big next you know you MAY have cancer. (breast) Our hips enlarge because during puberty, our pelvis bone kind of "tips" because it holds the womb which holds the developing newborn. this causes them to enlarge a bit to make the monster of the big butted girls. yea i know its upsetting. then you wont be capable of fit in those jeans rationale you got a big butt. :P sorry i can`t stand it too!

How to cope with celiac disease?

hips thicken for many reason. basically it is biological. you body will obligation excess fat to fastidiousness for a baby. and men are attracted to curves. it is biology.

don't verbs about cancer. you dont usually bring back it as a teen. if you continue to freak in the order of it, do self exam.

online steps:

Breast budding
First pubic hair
Body odor
Height spurt
Breasts enlarge
Pubic hair darkens, become curlier
Vaginal discharge
Onset of menstruation
Nipple is distinct from areola
Stage five
Pubic hair extends to inner thighs
Increases in largeness slow, then stop

be comfortable you are becoming an adult. buy hot jeans!

Question about birth control pills?

All of these things are going on for the purpose of reproducing. They are not bad things, they are biddable things.

My ob/gyn told me that my uterus was tilted what does the aim?

Some say we develop breasts so we can breast nurture our children (once we have kids). The mammary glands are also located surrounded by the breasts. Others say that our breasts evolved to be more rounded to attract males.(what a shock!!) Also, the nipple serves as a sexual stimulant. You should check your breasts regularly for any unnatural lumps... Usually breast cancer occurs surrounded by older women so you really don't hve to verbs..But if you do, you can always see a dr... As for your hips...They expand to prepare your body for bearing children. The hips requirement to widen surrounded by order for the birth waterway and uterus to widen, so when you do hold kids it will be easier!! I know it sux, but it happens to alllll women! Sometimes afer puberty your tresses changes, you go and get armpit hair and hackle you know where. polite luck! you'll get through it!

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