Am I allergic to my husband?

Ok this may be TMI but im at a loss right now. My husband and I are VERY live, and it seems similar to I am constantly getting infections from sex with him. I enjoy had a repeated vaginitias infection for the concluding 7 months, I take the pills it go away we have sex it comes hindmost. They have even treated him and finishing week I went to the Dr for something else and she told me in attendance was nought wrong with me again, on the other hand last darkness once again the smell is back and so is the infection. I hold been on anitbiotics every 2 weeks for the ending 7 months, I take them for a week, it go away we have sex for a week and its final.. I dont know what else to try.. can anyone suggest something?


Same thing happened to me beside my ex and it turns out I got it from him. Tell him to walk to the doctor to make sure he doesn't enjoy a fungal problem with his penis. The idea it's probably happening abundantly is because he's probably ejaculating within you. Use a condom or tell him to verbs out. What also causes it is have sex too early after you go and get better. Feel better!

Women Going bald?

What is he taking to bring back rid of gave it to him and he give it back to you..vicious he loyal?

I have only just started a diet - what is the best internal detox/cleanse to clean out my system?

have you both been tested for chlamydia?

How effectively intercourse next to wife after 60 years?

Wife has like problem although she has not gone to the doc for it. some of the problem could be your antibiotics they will mess up your unprocessed ph. Try finding a natural method that will work next to your natural ph balnce contained by there. I am sure hubby is self faithful and clning economically but his member could be harbour jsut enough microbes to keep re introducing it into you. You don't want to be on this stuff forever.
email me and we can chat abotu it more
[email protected]

Question almost shaving for girls.?

u cood be alergic to his pecker.

Am I the only panicky girl that hasnt gone back to the doctor after them finding possible cancer on my cervix?

What happen? I am having matching exact problem which is why I googled the question. I don't know what to do. I am so tired of buying Monistat.

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