For women or any conversant person. "Do you presume I could be going through menopause?

I am 47 years old. I haven't have a period for 3 months very soon. I went from hold regular normal period that lasted for 4-6 days to nil. I have no other menopause symtoms, no hot flashes, no dark sweats no vaginal dryness. I do however get equal feeling within my body around the time I used to have a extent such as tender breasts, kind of inkling bloated etc. But I no longer am getting the awful mood swings I used to get while on my period. I have my last pap smear almost 6 months ago, all be well. Had a mammogram also just about the same time. I couldn't be pregnant because my husband have been 'fixed' In my family circle 47 is kind of youthful to go through menopause. My mom be in her 50's and my oldest sister also contained by her 50's My other sister who is 51 still is having her cycle. I hold however gone through some very serious vigour issues in the concluding 15 years so I figure that could contribute to possible ahead of time onset of menopause than the rest of the women contained by my family.


I am 43, A few months ago my doctor told me I be peri-menopausal!! Thus far I bleed very bleak, have horrible blood clots, cramp worse than ever. Mood swings..omg I thought PMS be bad this make PMS seem resembling something good!! I cry adjectives the time. I get so restless I wanna just embezzle off running. I just dream that it could be so easy for me. I'm sure you hand is no doubt within my mine because of ur age. From what your telling the one and only thing ur doing that sounds resembling menopause is ur not having a extent. Where's the mood swings, hot flashes, heavy bleeding? You are any one lucky woman or something else is causing you not to enjoy a period but I'm guessing your only just gonna have it glib. I envy you. I wish it be that way for me because I sometimes consternation I'm losing my mind..My mother had a anxious breakdown while going through menopause so I'm dreading this. Mom's lasted for years beforehand she actually stopped her period. than it was several months short a period than she would hold a couple and so on than finally she stopped. Every woman is different. Get the test and if that's whats taking place than you are doing great!!

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You might be starting. The only process to know for sure is to visit your gyn and own a blood test.

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It could be impulsive onset of menopause. You should check next to your doctor. What strikes me is not having a length for 3 months in a row. That defintely is a sign of menopause even though you don't hold the other symptoms.

There may be a menopause test available at the drug store also.

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My mother did the same piece and now I am too and I am 46. I be told that it is pre-menopause and could last for 5 years, but that I would hold a horrible period at any time or no more ever!! I am praying that I own no more ever! I was also told that the symptoms could start inside a year. My mother only have a few hot flashes then she be done.

Sick need assist?

donno...I started menopause at 15...then stopped (meds) and very soon at 52 I'm having regular period for the first time in my existence...
(my mother and grandmother are dead...).
The woman across the street from me is 47 and is going through it vary from woman to woman...ask your Dr. They can do blood tests to determine if it's menopause.

Im due in 7 days and i notice lots of clear discharge when i woke up?

I went into menopause late30's. Had an ovary romoved give or take a few 41 and it was close to my other ovary said "I'm not working that rock-hard. I never had any of those usual symptoms approaching hot flashes, mood swings, . You can go to your gyne and receive a blood test that will communicate for sure. Then comes the time to decide on hormone replacement medication. I opt not to since I had no problems. Since later all this desperate stuff has come out re hormone replacement. Good luck.

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a lot of women start earlier
i only read to 47

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The first thing is to not compare yourself to other ethnic group. Yes, you do possess the symptoms of menopause. Just because you don't have MOST of the symptoms doesn't denote that it isn't early symptoms of menopause..Consult next to your personal OB/GYN doctor and see what a professional has to vote about adjectives this. If you don't have an officeholder answer to this you are left to mull over anything. So that would lead me to believe that I should capture a professional opinion and not guesstimates for those online.

Is this true?

Go to or to get your question answered. Menopause is defined as not having a time of year for one year.

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YES, they do own test to see if you're going into menopause. And you own all the typical symptoms and you are the right age too for untimely menopause. My sister is going through it too and she is your age. Your periods start getting lighter and later disappear altogether. The fact that your not have hot flashes is a Blessing. You probably have a moral diet and good inheritance. I'm going through menopause and I'm 42.

PMSing>am i gonna have my length back again ?

iam not a woman,but you might be going through,what they ring up post menopause,that just until that time menoplause.

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