I can't stand it...?

I can't stand the things people own said about my boobs surrounded by the past. This is one of the reason I've considered surgery. I can't even stand to look at them in the mirror. I detest my boobs so much I've considered surgery. Does anybody else have this problem?

Kinda freaked outWhat should I do?

oh, here's a different reply.

its best you dont stir around being concerned give or take a few "other peoples opinions" of you. its always best to be proud of who & what you are & relate that crowd to "get lost". the object for this is that if you let other empire opinions dictate how you discern or act afterwards you'll always own to do this with everyone--forever. for example: character #1 says your quill is too long so you cut it; person #2 say it's too short so you let it grow; being #3 says presently your hair's too long again so presently you cut some off; personage #4 says immediately the length is ok but the color is bad so you conveyance the color; person #5 say the color should be red & not black so you dye it again; person #6 say red hair as really a bleak idea & say you should try blonde with purple so you you dye it again, etc. point is, you'll drive yourself nutty finally if you keep "varying something" because "others dont like it" because you'll hold encountering populace forever who'll disagree & say something else should be done. similar to, if you get surgery you may see some general public saying, "your boobs are presently too big, yuk.", if you go according to this "clean opinion" you'll be in surgery AGAIN. then, after this 2nd surgery, you'll encounter another set of folks who'll say, "Oh, immediately the boobs are too small.", but are you going to do surgery #3? point is, you cant please everybody, so you just necessitate to "please yourself". the fact is, everyone have "different tastes" about breast size, some read out big is sexy & some say smallest is sexy, who are you going to believe? its best afterwards not to "believe" one or the other crowd, and be yourself & happy & proud of who you are--let them enjoy their opinions, they're merely words.

Tampon help?

it depends are they small or huge? you should be happy beside what you have...mine are prevailing conditions sized and it sucks b/c certain tops be paid me look slutty but I have to treaty with what I enjoy and try to work around it. Try wearing tops that will downplay if they are large or enhance if they are small. Good Luck and remember to use them sagaciously!

How long does your period later!?

if you are talking nearly them being too huge...i know someone who had like peas in a pod problem and was completely sick of it. she get surgery to reduce the size and gain so much more confidence and was greatly happier. it's hard to adopt your body, and if you completely hate them...consider surgery. contained by the end it be a really good choice for my friend. (she be 18 i think when she get surgery)

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