Question for girls..?

i'm 11 years old and i havent started my time.
once my sisters were conversation about it and one asked me and my other sister 'when are you gonna get hold of your _____" but i don't remember the word. then my other sister said some article about the age of 21 and very soon i'm really confuzed about what they be talking nearly..?

I had a larascopy a few weeks put money on, they found and removed some endomitriosis.?

Relax. It could happen at any time in a minute, but most girls start their periods around age 13-14. Don't clear so much attention to what others say - at hand's no need to be within a rush to grow up. :-)

I always come across to get bacter.vagino. over and over again whats the concordat ?

They were asking when you be going to get your "freak on."

Has anyone who have been on the nutrisystem plan past tell me if it worked?

i didnt start my interval until i was 12 years feeble. it comes at different times for everyone. they were prolly conversation about menstral cycle? hopefully this help you. take comfort

Is boob size really that important?

Why don't you lately ask them what they said?

What if you had your interval when you were have sex?

You dont need to verbs about this! I started when i be 13!! If you think that you are not comfortable when your sisters gossip about these things after its best to move away or tell them to be rather more responsible of what they say! Dont consent to it effect you negatively

take caution!

Endometriosis help please?

You know this adjectives has to do next to culture and body type and so many things you can't control. I guess you may want to check at your local library on books about your term. (They will be in the 600 division of non-fiction) Just get lots of skill so you will know when it does happen,that it is OK. (And you will not be alarmed.) Just be prepared with supplies and chill. It will be fine.

Is it because i'm still growing?

Hey I get mine at 11 but my Mom didn't get hers til she be 17!

I am pregnant with a newborn boy, should i have him circumcised? (Aus Women Only)?

I know a girl who started when she was 18! You should be glad you're not getting it even so... it sucks.

Vaginal Cyst?

listen, you will get your spell, when your body is ready. don't verbs about it. please stay a child and thank the lord that you haven't started yours however. because once you start with your interval. this is a every month thing. it kinda get annoying and old, by the time you gain in your slow 20's you will wish that you didn't hold a period. homily to your mom, please. you need her immediately, more then every. she should be helping you near these questions not strangers. pay attention on line, i hope you acquire the answer you are looking for.


You really do need to chitchat with ur mom or sisters so they can assistance prepare you for things like this within life!! You can start your length as early as 8 or as behind as 18 some even later. You will start soon ample. when you do you should have one something like every 28 days and it can last 3 - 7 days. I never have any warning when i started. I purely went to the bathroom and here it was..thank god for elder sisters. they had told me adjectives about it and what to expect. Once you start or back u actually start ur body will dance thru some changes..developing breasts and smaller waist or "figure" You typically have some cramping and could catch a little moody and enjoy some bloating..I'm sure you've heard, this is call Pms, and it happens right beforehand u start your period respectively month. Some girls don't have cramping or any of this its different for respectively girl. Once you do start that is your body unfolding you that you are starting to grow up. Once a girl starts her period and until she is elder and goes thru menopause (stops her period) she can become pregnant if she is sexually stirring! Go to the library and get you some reading stuff and read up on things you want to know or may be too embarrassed to ask roughly speaking. Than when your sisters start talking you will know what they are discussion about!! Maybe your mom can bear you to the public library and help you find files that can answer some questions for you!!

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