Lumps in vaginal opening?

I've a short time ago recently started to own bleeding[inbetween periods], its not too much, just spotting. I also notice that i have a couple of lumps contained by the mouth of the vaginal opening. I am not sexually helpful, if this helps. Can someone please explain to me what might be going on?

Please, only serious answers.
Help is greatly appreciated!!

How elevated will i be when i grow up?

If you have "lumps" within the mouth of your vaginal opening, you involve to go see an OB/GYN for a proper diagnosis.

It may be nil but it could be something that needs on the spot attention. I don't mean to frighten you but you do have need of to be checked.

Best wishes,

I'm not kidding, but lately I've be sneezing @ least twenty times contained by row, about five times a daylight.?

well we would need a better discription of the bumbs save for that doctor sorry calm down its ok mabe if you shave nearby razor bumps or...pimple out grown fleece relax

My first time having sex interrogate?

Were the lumps there formerly and you just didn't see them? Or are they new? If they be there earlier you could just be lumpy, everyone is different. However, I expect you should determine whether the bleeding is coming from the lumps, and if so, you need to see a doc asap. If you are really worried though, see the doc anyway. Are the lumps bumpy? if so, again, see the doc asap. Good Luck, I hope you get this figure out.

DoSe A Guysz DiGeSt?

Don't be too worried, it's probably an irratation of some kind, an the inflammation that go along with it. I would brand name an appointment with your gyno purely to be sure. Good luck!

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