Really bleak cramps!?

Yesterday, I got a really severe cramp contained by my abdomen, afterwards it would come back contained by surges that would shoot pain down my departed leg and I felt close to I couldn't breathe. This has be going on all daylight yesterday and today. I am on my period, but enjoy never had any cramps as bleak as this. Also, I'm on birth control, I thought it was supposed to build you cramp less?


HELP ME!! Menstrual Cycle every 17 days? Whats wrong?

I've never hear of anything like this previously...

Is it ONLY during your period? Birth control should cause your cramps lighten up, depending on how long you've be on them maybe it hasn't started working approaching that yet. If this continues, especially after your interval stops, I would suggest going to the doctor.

I have no theory what it could possibly be, maybe a problem beside your blood circulation? If it's impairing your breathing it might be a totally different problem, in recent times coincidentally started to happen during your extent.

(We had a guy at work rushed to the ER end Monday b/c of chest pains after coming into work half-drunk from the night past. We all shrugged it sour as a hang over and he almost died, hypothyroid problem he's on meds for the rest of his existence.)

Point of that little story was it might not be from your length, and getting it checked out if it persists would be a obedient idea. It's your body and your vigour. It sounds like it's worrying you so at the least possible it would ease your nerves to see a doctor.

Goodluck and hope everything's okay.

Any girls??

Ezcersise is adjectives I have to right to be heard. This should halp. Also, you can put a heating wad on your stomach. Or you can go hop in the hottub or jacuzzi.If you own one. If you don't, then newly hop in the shower.

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