Mini Pill - Cerazette. Any problems?

Hi everyone, I've just be put on Cerazette, and I'm a little concerned just about the weight gain / mood swings / desperate skin elements of the side effects.

I've now be taking Cerazette for a couple of weeks, and so far I haven't had any problems except I have have mood swings. I've put that down to my body just getting used to the pill and hope that it will unperturbed down.

I also know that weight gain and doomed to failure skin are side effects of this pill, and wondered if anyone has any correct / bad experiences of any of these?

I used to take microgynon 30 and although my skin be fine, I put 2 stone on in 6 months. Obviously I don't want to gain weight and i don't want fruitless skin!


Stomach is hard an looks pregnant but i def not?

I have all of the problems you describe near the exception of weight gain for almost the first 2 months after starting this pill but after that it all settled down and enjoy been on it a year and a partially now near no further problems. It can take up to a year for any problems beside it to die down so I was told by the nurse when I told her of my side effects.
Give it a few more months and if zilch changes, see around going on a different pill.

Menstrual cup!?!?

only problems I had be very irregular period - 10 days, 20 days, 8 days - very exceptionally irregular, it continued like that for a year or so and i eventually give up and the only other symptom if you beckon it that was an increase in sex drive.

Think I hold a lump in my breast?

the mini pill have quite a few side affects< it should relay you in your book you bring back with it, can motive acne, mood swings, loss in sex drive, weight gain, headache and spotting in between periods!!

Whats the difference between pms and pregnancy symptoms?

i own taken cerazette for 12months i have mood swings and low sex drive andi own gained shipment.

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