Does anyone experience really bleeding heavy period and have nil wrong medically?

I have really calorific periods and they are so itchy they make me throw up sometimes and i can by a hair`s breadth walk. I own tried numerous medications the with the sole purpose thing that have worked is depo provera but i can't take it motive it makes me gain excessive mass.Anyone know of a medication i could get prescribed that would work. hold tried naproxen, toradol , percacet and a few others. any info would be great! i want a hysterectomy sometimes its so bad but i want kids sometime

Tampax problems?

Periods should not be that fruitless. Has your doctor given you a thorough exam? Have you had a CATscan or ultra nouns to assure you have no cysts or anything else? What roughly a blood test to check your hormone level? I would talk to your doctor something like this. If he does not agree then its time to switch doctors. My daughter have a similar complaint and she was put on a low dose birth control pill. Her period now second only 2-3 days next to little or no pain. Maybe you could try other birth control pills, fairly than Depo Provera. Good Luck.

Will The Pill lose its effectiveness when your on medication (antibiotics)?

My sister have the same problem. Nothing worked but the pill so she took it for years.

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Believe it or not, the food that you consume can cause your period to be heavy and stinging. Drink plenty of water. And stay away from the unwanted items food, sweets and soda. Eat more veggies and fruits, that always help.

My doctor at one point recommended birth control pills to control the heavy flow. I am not sure of your age, but consult next to your parents or a physician first, there be nothing medically wrong beside me neither.

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