Is my mom going throught menopause..?

She is 41. She has her polite days and her bad days... I do adjectives the cleaning around the house.
.cat litter
.and straighting up the living room
i do that every single day .. and all the same she says she does everything around the house and she complains roughly doing
the laudry.Im like omfg i cant bear anymore i have 2 more years of this.. she have 24/7 mood swings and she always yell at me about my fuzz, make-up, and clothes even my dad will say aloud she loves fighting.. she get on to my brother and i over the small things basically nil right i mean nil is and then somedays nought is wrong like i swer we adjectives go to bed chirpy with no problems and she wake up p*ssed at nothing..similar to i just get off the phone beside her and she asked my will i do a favor for her and i said yea she went crazy basically cause i didnt read aloud yes mam.. she is driving me CRAZY. what should i do??

Has anyone ever had a Full Body Wrap?

She may be for a while young for menopause. But some do own it young. She could be depressed. Her and dad may be have problems. Try to talk to her almost how you feel. Talk to her when things are quiet not in the middle of a dispute but on one of her right days. Tell her how her actions brand name you feel. Good Luck.

Girls.. assistance?

When my mom was going through menopause, she be a lot approaching what your describing. She wasn't always angry. It be worse: she was unpredictable.

I palpably can't tell whether your mom is going through menopause next to certainty. Menopause usually happen between ages 45 and 55. She could also be stressed out. Stress makes ethnic group act irrationally. If I be you, I would talk to your dad nearly planning a vacation for her. I don't know if your family unit can afford it, but hiring a cleaning service might make her perceive like she have less to do.

Worried.. give or take a few..?

umm.. sometimes it can last for seven years only just let her enjoy what she says even though u did it and avoid her on her doomed to failure days that what i do

What should i do to make my extent (menstrual) come early surrounded by advance?

She could be going through peri-menopause. those are the years where on earth you start to enter menopause. I started going through that when I was that to her to go to the doctor and chat to him/her about it . It could be that, or PMS.

When do you start counting 28 days after your length?

it sounds more like stress and not self happy more next it is menopause---i feel she is still to young---that usually happen in the mid-late 40s---and thats alot of crying more next anything else---you mom has other things going on----

Is my time normal?

Menopause is a stage surrounded by life when a woman stops have her monthly period.It is a ordinary part of aging, mark the end of a woman's reproductive years. More information and remedies at

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