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Dear doctors,
I am 23 yrs old,get married last yr. Before nuptials my periods be very regular. I used to obtain it on the correct date without rearrangement. After about 4 months of marriage ceremony my periods hold become irregular. Last Aug I did not get my period and got it within Sept. then I get it every month. Again in April I did not get my period. This time I checked for pregnacy unfortunately it be a negative assessment.
All I want to know why are my periods so irregular?
Note: I hv unacquainted any kind of pills after my wedding. I hv no bad habbits any (like Smoking, boosing etc)
Please let me know at the earliest.

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capably im not a doctor but getting married can be very gleeful but still stressful if you know it or not. Its prob that your just getting use to the unharmed being married which have made your hormones whack. Stress can cause you irregulear period dont worry at adjectives but if you hate it next get some birth control

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