I have endometriosis and I be told that I have two choices a treatment that involves a shot of Lupron once a month that does put me in menopause mode or to own a surgery. The only problem that I enjoy with Lupron and menopause is that i am solitary 26 and unsure about adjectives the symptoms that come with it. Any suggestions?


What does it niggardly when women have sudden hip and backside "expansion" in their mid 30's?

You don't voice what surgery your doctor told you about. So if it's a Laparoscopy I own had 3. After the 3rd one I be giving Lupron before I moved out the recovery room. It be great. The pain of the Lap last for about 2 days, and the lone side effect I really had w/ the Lupron be nauseousness. But after 3 or 4 days that went away and I didn't own any more problems. I had worst side effects when I took the Depo shot afterwards I ever had w/ the Lupron. When I have my first Lap I had newly turned 22. I wasn't sure about it at first, but after weigh all of the option, I decided that doing the Lap and consequently Lupron would be the best for me.
Good Luck

So am I pregnant?

I would check with an OBGYN. Just seize other opinion and as much tuition as you can before you get a session like that.

Should I stop using the Depo-Provera shot?

I option you the best of luck with that. I would try lupron first. If it works honourable for you, if not after I would do the surgery. I tried lupron and it didn't work, and had to hold a total hysterectomy.

Ladies, do you ever get so constantly hungry?

Perhaps you will be one of the lucky ones contained by whom Lupron is effective and confers minimally cynical, short-lived side effects.

However - it is important to be believable about this drug. If we be to believe the doctors who prescribe it and Takeda Abbott Pharmaceutical's fancy marketing literature and website(s), everyone would think Lupron be the greatest thing since sliced bread. It's not. It is a impermanent, stop-gap measure single which often affects women contained by a highly unenthusiastic manner (with long-lasting side effects) and doesn't even temporarily remove the symptoms. There is a principle that the Endo treatment centers do not use or prescribe Lupron in their practices (see,, http://www.endometriosistreatm...

See also and for more explicit details on the drug and it's effects and shortcomings.

Side effects of Lupron are potentially extremely refusal and long-lasting, and include (as reported by the *manufacturer itself,* not those who hate the drug) Asthenia, General headache, Headache, Hot flashes/sweats, Nausea/vomiting, GI disturbances, Edema, Weight gain/loss, Acne, Hirsutism, Joint disorder, Myalgia, Decreased libido, Depression/emotional lability, Dizziness, Nervousness, Neuromuscular disorders, Paresthesias, Skin reactions at injection site, Breast changes/tenderness/pain, Vaginitis, Flu-like symptoms, Heart palpitations, Syncope, Tachycardia, Appetite changes, Dry mouth, Thirst, Ecchymosis, Lymphadenopathy, Anxiety, Insomnia/Sleep disorders, Delusions, Memory disorder, Personality disorders, Rhinitis, Alopecia, Hair disorder, Nail disorder, Conjunctivitis, Ophthalmologic disorders, Taste perversion, and Dysuria. And that's in recent times a few. Check the prescribing literature or check a PDR for the long list.

As an aside, in attendance have also be several lawsuits against TAP, including the largest one in federal history - ever - against a pharmaceutical company - $875 million, prosecuted under the RICO statutes (racketeer influenced criminal organization) for the kickback they gave prescribers to grant the med to their patients. Unfortunately, while that lawsuit was huge and brought sprite, it did not bring justice to those who are suffering the horrific long-term side effects, because the suits be about pricing not side effects.

See also to make conversation to thousands of others who are in your shoes and can present insight and advice.

There are outstandingly few "pros" associated with Lupron. The knob to successful treatment of Endometriosis is removal of disease - true removal, not superficial ablation - not ovarian suppression. There is no guarantee you will be pain free for 6 minutes, consent to alone 6 months.

I do wish you luck and hope that anything you decide is the right answer for you. Entering into an learned treatment option is never wrong; freshly make sure you've asked adjectives the questions and be satisified with the answers. Good luck whichever route you wish to take.

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