I enjoy a pain surrounded by my upper left tummy...any thoughts?

Yes, I plan to see a doctor, but I live in a developing country where on earth health attention basically sucks, so I looked-for some perspectives on this first.

The spasm is in the upper gone of my abdomen, essential where I assume my ovary to be - it's relatively dull most of the time, although last hours of darkness it got somewhat stern (felt like menstrual cramps).


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How long enjoy you had the discomfort? It could be a small cyst on your ovary. They are quite adjectives, according to my doctor. The pain could be from it "popping".

If you've have the pain for more than one week, or if it is getting worse, I wouldn't fade to see a doctor.

Question plz help?

Possibly, pancreas.

Taking Yasmin?

It's possible it's Pelvic Inflammotory Disease, which is cause by Gonorrhea. If left untreated, it can organize to infertility or something more serious.

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