Miscarriage, Pregnancy or freaky Cancer?

This is a little embarrasing but haven't be able to find any info else where on earth on the net. For the second two - three weeks I have be having lighting cramping, I can't really explain them but they feel different than common period cramps, three days ago I started what i thought be my period but its unlike any spell I have ever have. I am having gummy brown mucus, almost like what you would hold at the very cessation of a period, but alot more of it, and presently there are black chunks within it. Also, I have have really bad heartburn lately and swollen breasts. I know heartburn and swollen breasts are a sign of pregnancy, but enjoy no idea what the brown mucus/discharge is. Is it possible I'm pregnant but miscarrying? Or is the unusual dischange normal next to pregnancy and are there any other cause for it? I did a pregnancy test but it be a dud so didn't receive results either opening. I am going to wait a few days and do another but considered necessary to make sure its nought I should receive medical attention for.

For all girls when u lose ur virginity do u bleed on the sheets or at adjectives and do it hurt bad?

I'm not a Dr but sounds close to a pregnancy to me. Brown mucus would be old blood so wouldn't really be anything to verbs about. Bright blood near pain would be do for concern. I would retest and call the Dr any way. If you are pregnant you necessitate an apointment and if you period is unpunctually I would talk to the Dr going on for what they think could be going on.

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Common signs of a miscarriage include:

Vaginal bleeding.
Abdominal, lower subsidise, or pelvic pain.
Tissue that pass from the vagina.
Bleeding that is reading light or heavy, constant or irregular. It can sometimes be difficult to know whether night light bleeding is a sign of miscarriage. When bleeding is accompanied by headache, however, the likelihood of miscarriage is glorious.
Sometimes miscarriage causes no symptoms for several weeks after the embryo or fetus have died. This is called a missed miscarriage. Over time, pregnancy-related breast discomfort and weight gain diminish. A medical exam is usually needed to see whether you own had a missed miscarriage.

How is a miscarriage diagnosed?
If you are concerned that you might be miscarrying, see your vigour professional. If your symptoms and a pelvic exam do not show whether you are having a miscarriage, your vigour professional can test your blood for change in your pregnancy hormone level, perform an ultrasound examination, or both.

See your doctor!!

Quick question just about CRABS?

You definitely should see a doctor as soon as possible. It sounds close to you've miscarried. The symptoms you experienced earlier could enjoy been pregnancy, and in a minute you're quite possibly experiencing a miscarriage.

The solitary way to know for sure is to move about to your Gyno. If you've miscarried, you will need to be checked out down in attendance to make sure that everything's still okay. There's a small accidental that something could have be damaged. It's routine after miscarriages.

However, if you haven't miscarried, you still inevitability to seek medical attention because what you're going through is not usual. I don't mean to alarm you or anything, it's lately that you never know what could be wrong. Better safe than sorry! These things are usually something small close to an infection, which is easily cured near antibiotics, but only your doctor will know for sure.

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