Does any know good exercises to relieve abs?

Crunches on the floor hurts my back but i enjoy a decent integer except i have a round stomach (some construe i am just a few weeks preganant) but i'm not...Dieting help but i want to tone. Need help, any tips?.


What is your experience near an IUD?

I use the ab-lounger. It works great and I can feel the work out. But if you want something fast, I would suggest sit-ups next to your hands bringing up the rear your head.
also, try lying down on your hindmost, stretching out your body with your arms former your head, fold up using your stomach, and enjoy your hands assemble your feet. it works immensely well for me.

I going to the doctor but I still hold my period!?

Try sit-ups on your bed. It's much more comfortable to enjoy something soft for your back.

I hold a problem and i need give support to!.girls only plz?

yes, the huge plastic bubble with the compact disc workout....they
work amazingly well

Is it typical for your period to show up?

abs, hmm wel hula hooping is moral for all over, body excersize, so yeah, sit up and press ups are also fitting, sorry i haven't got frequent other ideas

I enjoy a really bad stomache headache?

well,i have equal problem, but recently iv bn tryin some yoga moves, it hurts to start rotten with but once u carry into it the pain go away,

lie flat on your bk,
bend ur knees up to your chest
consequently stretch your legs to where you started, single do not touch the floor,
hover ur feet until u touch ur stomach tense later repeat for up to 10 mins,
this also tones ur legs,but u have to save at it,at least 3-5 times a week.

hope this can be some comfort to you!

Height problem!?

Have you trying using a rolled up towel for your back? The links on the bottom are to ab exercises.

My time is acting so crazy?

Anything with a stability bubble works magic. It add support to your back and will support you tone all of your core m,uscle groups if you do ample of them.

Congrats on the baby!

How long can it whip for periods to start after coming rotten the pill?

i know that you are not pregnant. what helped for me after my ultimate pregnancy, is working out to billy blanks ultimate buns and abs. most of the workout is done standing up and the end is done on the floor. you can choose not to do the ab work or at least try to see which is comfortable for you. doing that workout have helped me to carry rid of most of my belly. i really works, you'll feel it working the exceedingly first time that you try it. if you start off doing the workout out twice a week, consequently slowly increasing it, you'll see results.

on the days that you are not doing the workout with billy blanks, i would suggest doing some helpful of cardio. simple cardio workouts that you can do in the comfort of your home. the days you would do cardio, try doing stride your way fit exercise dvds. those are really unforced on your body and it is beneficial for you.

if you use any pills, i would suggest using fahrenheit, which can be found at GNC, Wal Mart or any major store that have pills like that. this will assist to increase your metabolism and help curb your appetite.

i've done adjectives of that, using the fahrenheit pills along with those exercise routines and i've have great results. to the point where deeply of ppl are shocked, to know that i am a mother of three.

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