Is it a bleak thing that i own been on my peroid for 9 days presently?

Is there somthing wrong near me

This might be x rated?

There is probably nil wrong, but if this happens closely it wouldn't hurt to see a gynecologist, especially if your periods are stout. Don't panic, a short time ago keep track of it (maybe document it surrounded by a journal or on the calendar) and agree to your mother or doctor know.

Is abortion alright if you're only massacre a fetus or a baby or doesn`t matter what?

No... Is it heavy?
You probably only have a extraordinary flow...
If its the first time, then you may newly have have more blood than usual... Have you been sexually live? If you have afterwards your body is really getting ready for a little one, so it causes more blood...
Don't verbs...
But if it is really bothering you... talk to your doctor, or mom... they can assist more than us!

I am avarege size but, i have these small strech grades on my side and my hips, how do i get rid of them?

either an anomalous flow or you have endometriosis. Have it checked out. Good luck.

Weight Loss?

if it is pouring ... yes! if it is spotting a few days before and after, no. dont verbs about it and mention it at your subsequent OBGYN appt.

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