Not being competent to pooh pooh for 3days, can it cause rash?

i dont pooh pooh till after 3 days and i ve been have this severe heat rash on my skin. i want to know if it has anythig to do withmy unability to pooh pooh regulally.


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You can also try drinking some olive grease. That's what I do when I can't go.

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I don't know, but if you take a laxative or stool softener, you rpooh problem should be resolved. If the over-hasty doesn't go away after that, telephone up the doc.

What to do?

Go to Wal-Green right now and grap some laxative medication resembling: Ex-Lax, the maximum strength one. Go home and take 2-3 pills, grant it time then st it out, why would you want to store your body nutrition gamble away, its dangerous, shift st it out.

I need my wife support.?

Moving your bowels regularly reduces the risk of colon cancer. Really, you should be going at smallest once a day. The best mode to ensure this happens is a diet rich within fibre i.e. lots of fruit, veg and wholegrains.

There is thought to be some relation between a healthy complexion and regular bowel movements, because one possible cause of constipation is hormonal inequality.

However, if you definitely hold Heat Rash (characterised by small, prickly bumps on the skin), it is not related to your bowel movements. Heat rash is cause by a bacteria that blocks your sweat glands and have no influence on how often you move about to the toilet.

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