Birth control!?

anyone know of any birth control that is approaching loestrin or yaz keeps the cycle short and is significant pill but is cheaper than 30$ im a college student and want to be safe next to my boyfriend but its costly. any help?

What is the problem?

Ok capably ignoring those who right to be heard use condoms, which are not cheap and you need two methods of birth control to be not detrimental.

Have you tried your college's health services? Or Planned Parenthood? Both tend to flog birth control for much less.

And IUD is another substitute but it may make period heavier.

Have you considered using something like Lea's Shield or a diaphram instead?

Does a vagina hold a smell to it?


How many eggs are produced within a woman every month?

Use condoms. They are much cheaper.

Depressed when Im on my period?

Yasmin does not hold a generic..not sure about Loestrin. Speak near your MD about pills that are suitable for you, which hold a generic and have him prescribe you the generic ones.

Does anyone else dislike the sanitary protection know wooooaaaahhhh bodyform etc??

go to planned paternity or the state health clinic, every state have a free birth control program, and you can get freshly about adjectives methods for free or very low cost. if you cant find one in your nouns, look up the health dept contained by your government page in the phone book. ive be in a moment ago about every state surrounded by the US and have never have a problem getting birth control for myself or a friend for free. :)

How old be u when u had ur time??

You could try Ortho Evra the birth control patch...I have a friend who uses it and I estimate it is relatively cheap because she can afford works just as resourcefully. Or you could just use a generic brand of the pill which is other cheaper. You could also do some research on some of these listed below:
Brevicon, Demulen, Desogen, Levlen, Levora, Loestrin, Lo/Ovral, Low-Ogestrel, Modicon, Necon 1/35, Nordette, Norethin, Norinyl 1+35, Ortho-Cept, Ortho-Cyclen, Ortho-Novum 1/35, Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo, Ovcon 35, Seasonale, Yasmin, Zovia
Hope this help.

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