Several nonstandard pap smears?

when i was 15 i get my first pap smear, and it came put a bet on abnormal, i be told that plenty of young girls hold abnormal pap's so i didnt turn back resembling recommended. well at 17 i get another pap smear, and this also came support abnormal, i be planning on going back, and next i found out i was pregnant, when they did the initial pregnant pap, i never get word back on how that now 38 weeks pregnant, should i request another pap since i have my toddler, or would this affect results?? i just want to trade name sure everything is ok, i mean, the dr said i didnt enjoy any STD's, seeing as they screen you for those, and didnt mention anything more...

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Im not sure about this one, but im guessing that at this tardy stage u see, or have see your doctor very recurrently. I would mention your concern to him/her and they can probably do a pap. (i cant see why not). and also try to follow up with the results of that other pap. if you hold a history of abnormal results you REALLY own to keep up near your testing. at smallest every year! wait to two years and you might turn around and enjoy cervical cancer. thats the most extreme case but you could hold abnormal cell growing over time and never know it if you dont get checked.

Some one backing me!!?

Make sure they checked for chlamydia and HPV on your paps. If not I would request one before your due date, not sure if they will do one at this delayed stage.

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The Human Papoloma Virus is the produce for most abnormal virus. If you are having regular pregnancy doc visit, he will do a vaginal exam the last weeks of your pregnancy and he will see any problems. I own this virus and it seems to come and be in motion as to if I have a discouraging pap. Don't worry and wallow in your baby. Just parley to your doc and let him variety all the decision for you

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