It *should* be that time of the month...?

Okay, I'll try to make this legitimate simple: My little red friend used to come around the 13th and seemed to start rather later within the month for a while now. I've have it for about a year... Not all the same this month...
Is that normal?


Bleeding after sex?

Perfectly average. Periods usually aren't all that regular during the first year so I'm surprised you've got a regular date. It seem to take forever for me to carry any idea at adjectives. LOL! Oh, and periods are never your friend. Call them the little red opponent instead.

Sex questions?

you're little red friend? a moment ago call it a spell you freak

Stuff, masturbation?

yeh it should be fine. anything like stress or anyone ill or traveling can sort it late. hushed yourself. and you've only have it for a year. its still not that long.

Is it normal for a woman to release a sort of gooey or substance everyday?

when you are new to getting period, its very irregular. nearby are times when for months It would come on the same morning every month , and there would be times that I would skip months. A slowly period could be cause by stress as well. Worrying something like your period coming slowly, WILL make it come behind schedule. :)

Pain during intercouse, ok when fingered. Help?

I've had my term for much over 2 years and I still don't have a 'date' down as to when it should start. It other starts within a week around the 28 days though - don't verbs about it at adjectives. During my first 2 years there would be months that I would without rhyme or reason not have a extent at all - it can step away for several months and then come wager on. No big.

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