Does anyone use Lydia Pinkham herbal tablets for irregular periods? What be your results?

I started takeing LP yesterday so I am hoping for quick results.

Very tired on 1500 mg of metformin.sarted taking it a few months ago!!I verbs to crave sugar ?

I never knew within was a Museum of Menstruation until I go checking for an answer for this one.

This "Museum of Menstruation gives interesting facts on the statr of Mrs. Pinkham's.

I've never tried the Pinkham concoction. But I can notify you that I have heart problems and enjoy been taking three fish grease tablets a day for times gone by two months. My last two period, I have have less cramps and enjoy been competent to take smaller amount pain medication during the PMS and birth of the flow days.

I also found a page of testimonials:

I've reviewed a few sites Nutritional Information and here is what it seems to be. The Pinkham herbal tablets are a dutiful old fashioned women's multi-vitamin.

Multi-vitamins are typically a virtuous thing. Check your own diet at one of the calorie counter websites and see if you are large in Iron , because if you are, next you'd want to avoid Pinkhams and many other women's multi-vitamins. Otherwise, it sounds similar to it would be just fine to use Pinkhams or any other okay rounded womans multi-vitamin. Take as recommended though or you aren't doing yourself any good.

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