Help me beside this one PLEASEEE!??

is 1500 caloriess good dailyy if im on a diet and want to loose resembling 30 pounds in similar to 2 to 3 months??

Is it okay to.(WOMEN)?

sounds good to me. 1200-1500 calories is the average suggested for mass loss, along with around partially an hour of cardio-aerobic exercise five days a week. if you do both of these (reduce calories and exercise) then you should enjoy some sort of weight loss. angelic luck with the diet!

Birth Control Pill?

That sounds pretty moral, just net sure you get exercise too.

I basically got pregnant, my breasts are HUGE! What can I do?

It depends on your current weight/height, etc.

Here's a math formula that I use that works pretty all right:

1 lb. of fat = 3500 calories

So if you want to lose, enunciate, 5 pounds you'd need to shrinking your caloric intake by 17,500 calories.

Go to the following website: and type in your height, freight and age to find out the amount of calories you need respectively day to MAINTAIN your current consignment. Now if you decrease that by 17500 later you'll theoretically lose 5 pounds.

I'd articulate decrease your each day calorie intake by 300 calories and burn an additional 300 calories doing exercise (use the website to determine adjectives this, as it tells you how frequent calories certain exercises burn depending on your cargo, etc.). That's a decrease on a daily basis of 600 calories. That's a "savings" of 4200 calories per week, which equals 1.2 pounds per week. Which would total about 14.4 pounds surrounded by 3 months. But that's a modest goal and depending on how much you weigh in a minute you can lose more weight than that per week.

Again, I may enjoy gotten the math wrong here, but if you use the basic comprehension that 1 pound of fat = 3500 calories, and consent to the website guide you, you'll get within in no time. also have a good program for helping you lose weightiness for a goal date.

Good luck and remember that your state-of-the-art goal should be your overall condition. If you exercise, you relieve stress and are better equipped to make apt meal choices. After that, it adjectives falls into place - you feel better and look better.

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