Birth Control Blues?

So, I'm on Nortrel right. I was on Loestrin 24, but they don't cause it anymore i guess. So anyway, I just started birth control a month and a partially ago. I lost my pills and missed 2 days, then I found them, but my pharmacist said to lift two that day and two the subsequent day and later take them again approaching normal. Now I am into my second cycle on birth control. So my question are these:
A: I thought b.c. was supposed to regulate your time of year? Yet I have mine every three weeks very soon. Normal?
B: When will I be able to enjoy sex without a condom near no fear of pregnancy? (No STDs, me and my partner are verbs.)

Missed Period, Negative HTP.?

A.)Yes while on birth control pills you will get a time 3 weeks after your last one ends (ie hold period for one week, 3 weeks after length ends you will start your next period).
B.)Wait at smallest two weeks after you have started taking the pills customarily before you hold unprotected sex. Or to be really safe, linger untill after your next term.
Hope I helped!

Breast affliction and im 18?!?

A. yes you are supposed to have your time every three weeks..the last week is the week you hold your period.making it once a month.

Second of adjectives since you are already suing the pill I would wait a week when you start a exotic long as you arent missing anymore pills.

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