Help to advise on loosing weight?

I am 40 yrs old, rank abt 1.55m. Weigh abt 80kg,

I must and want to loose weight basically bcos my hubby is looking down on me, pls help, could not spend money but want to grasp remedy fast


Do any of you girls get this?

Hmm. Your BMI is 33, which is within the obese category. Your maximum healthy cargo is about 60kgs, so condition wise ideally you'd obligation to lose about 20kgs. However, don't be disheartened. If you really want to do this you can!

I'm sorry to hear roughly your hubby looking down on you because you've gained mass, doesn't he realise that this won't help? He should be supporting you to lose freight not making you feel unpromising about it. maybe you could talk to him roughly speaking it and ask for support in losing counterweight. Perhaps he could do with losing a couple of kilo's himself??!!

The simple rule to cargo loss is to...

Burn more calories than you consume - ie eat what you want but do plenty exercise to burn it all off
Consume smaller amount calories than you burn - ie do less exercise but guzzle less calories.

About 10 years ago I go down 2 dress sizes, by eating healthily and going to the gym. Now I hold the weight past its sell-by date by just have an active go and eating smaller number calorific food. I don't progress to the gym, or eat resembling a rabbit, I don't starve myself. I just savour good home-cooked thriving meals, drink lots of dampen and enjoy a touch treat every day.

Wishing you lots of luck - remember 'doesn`t matter what the mind can believe it can achieve'. You can do this! Wishing you lots of luck!

Please relieve? 10 points to a best answer!?

ok, eat smaller amount food and exercise. This is the only style I know. Don't starve yourself but eat smaller amount.

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I hold a co-worker that watched portion sizes. She have to eat more or less 6 times per day, but they lone 1/3 to 1/2 the size of a small plate. The idea be to eat singular what you need at a sitting. Robin Miller of Food Network did a small screen show where she told a participant to foot the feeling of fullness he feel as when to stop eating. One be starving and 10 be gut-bursting full. She suggested that he stop eating when he feel a 6 or a 7 because the body has delayed reaction.

Another suggestion is to cut sugar. Cutting back on sugar, although a adjectives necessity for a diabetic, has help me immensely. Be careful of the digestive issues some of the sugar alternatives may produce. Some of the sugar is what adds to the pounds.

Lastly, check out some of the food pyramid guide websites. Determine what your requests should be and use it to plan accordingly. You might find that the most surprising find is that a serving size is moderately small. I was told by my doctor that I needed more fiber contained by my diet because it would make me touch more full and I have scholarly that the low carb pasta with in the region of 6 g of fiber tastes great. It have helped and I hope it help you.

And as always, freshly moving about more normally will help. When I have to print some things for work, that could be tricky, I had to print one page at a time. Each time I walk to the copier, I had 40 steps to appropriate. That equated to about two miles within one day. It does attach up.

Has anyone vagina burned after they pee but they don't have an STI. ?

this could be drastically simple just budge for a 30 to 45 min jog every daylight! and eat heathlyer foods... trust me it only falls off

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they work, i tried them years ago. you can directive just one or a pack of 3, ect...

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Cut out all the insubordinate foods and eat 3 right meals a daytime with lots of salads and vegetables, chicken and fish and try not to devour to much carbohydrates. And of course as mush exercise as possible OH YES AND LOTS OF WATER

Birth control or no birth control?

Hi Susan,

If you cannot spend too much... you can try borrowing or buying the book FIt For LIfe by Harvey diamond and follow wat they articulate.

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