Blood test?

My sister had a blood trial a week ago because he joints have been swelling up profusely and the Dr wanted to rule out arthritis. She get a letter surrounded by the post yesterday saying to stir for another blood test. She go this morning but the nurse told her she shouldn't have come nonetheless as she has to hold the blood test contained by another 3 to 4 weeks. She didn't say anything else freshly to come back consequently. Any ideas why?

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It is difficult to answer this question lacking any other details, But essentially when some results come back as borderline or inconclusive (which ample proportions of tests we do come pay for as borderline) then we suggest repeat the experiment again in few weeks, Ideally its is 6-8 weeks for blood count such as white cell counts (marker of infections). I tend to recommend 3 months for slightly abnormal Liver function testing. In nutshell if they asked you to repeat in few weeks, it is in recent times some borderline results which need repeating to see if it have come back mundane or it is still abnormal.


hmmm sounds like the lab have made a mistake. she should call the nurse tomorrow to find out exactly what she wishes to do. however it is probably good report otherwise they would have sit her down today and talked to her

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Crossed messages. The letter be probably just a reminder for the first examination.

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They close to a month between blood tests etc, to see them to be sure that it isn't just a blip. If you enjoy two on the trot the chances are the results will be duplicate, whereas a month down the line, if its still alike, then the results are describing them something.

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It is not viable to second guess the results of tests. I do not even know which be checked. She has not be kept in the loop for her own results, this is not upright practise. She should go stern to the nurse and get her to explain properly what is going on, which is the phenomenal result, and what does it all penny-pinching to her personally!

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