Did your man have problems having sex with you after the baby was born?

Here is an interesting article on the subject.



What could justify?

I presume it is Normal for this to happen but here are some case's that it will effect men surrounded by weird place's. One piece it could be is stress and not getting enough sleep the other is that he keep watch on the delivery and a moment ago made him a little self-conscious to see this. Just let him know it will be okay and at worse you can turn to to a shrink and work it out that way.

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Speaking for myself, it took a few weeks for the missus to heal up, but when she be game, we be back at it again. :)

It did get the impression a touch odd to know that an actual individual had slipped through the front door since the later time, but our mutual lust soon helped me forget that wacky little reality. :)

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From a man's point of prospect. I had no problem. My wife however told me she no longer required to have sex. It took 6 months to work into an helpful sex life again. Most guys I talk to indicated a similar occurrence next to there wife.

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He's wife could have have a c section instead of a human coming out of her vagina...I meditate that it is kinda gross too. In my opinion if I ever own a baby I want a c booth...

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my man was lately worried about hurting me the first 3 or 4 time after my son be born. he was worried i would still be sore

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No, not at all. We with the sole purpose waited something like 3 weeks, and that was 3 tremendously long weeks.

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