I just want to know if theres anything wrong next to me

Im 14 any i had my 1st period when I was 11 as since next I'ts been irregular since..Its solitary ment to be irregular for the first year or so but now i surmise theres something wrong with me.
I would run to the doctor but its waaaay too embarrasing I dont even talk to my mum in the region of it.

I started my period something like a week late and in a minute am bleeding really heavy and touch kind of dizzy and anodyne.?

Honey, my periods be irregular for my entire life. I never really know when they were coming, purely had to rely on the PMS symptoms. There is nil wrong with you so don't verbs about it, ok? When you go and get a bit older, and are thinking nearly having sex, you can travel to a gyn to get a check-up and mention your irregular period. Until then, it's ok.

What or How can I win my mom?

Talk to your mum-she has be through it too Im sure. She is your best resource.

They can be irregular for a while. Let your mom know you dont like have irregular periods and see what she say. Im sure she wont brush you off.

When does the vagina lose it's tightness?

There's zilch wrong with you don't verbs. If you are under any stress this will motive your period to be irregular, making your length come later or sooner than when you are supposed to start. If you are really concerned more or less this go to the doctor, ask to chat to him/her privately, it's what they are there for. Some of my friends get on birth control, not for having sex, but to variety there period regular and so they didnt have unbearing cramps every month. I hope i've help

Yeast infection?

It's totally normal to enjoy irregular periods when you are that youthful. I didn't have regular ones till my precipitate 20's. But if they are coming too close together and annoying you, go see a doc and enjoy them put you on birth control. That will make them regular and for a time easier to deal beside (not to mention predict them so there will be no "accidents"). I did that and it help alot, and also made cramps and pms a lot more bearable.


need more info!

how is it irregular?

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