Does anyone have 4 kids? I have three kids and they are perfect, but is it weird to want another baby?

Is it hard to hold four! Do people estimate you are crazy? I don't feel similar to I am done have babies. My closing baby is 18 months and I am starting to want a toddler. Does that go away ever?

Still a virgin or not?

I am 29 and a mother of 7 kids. I want another toddler as youngest is 15 months ancient. I dont think the desire ever go away for some people. Its totally normal to want another one. If you want to hold another one...then own one.

Women only assistance please!?

Not weird. One of my friends is resembling you and has seven kids (she's 44) in recent times like her mother did. Her domestic is Catholic.

Don't have another tot unless you can really care for them adjectives (financially and have the room).

Hey i wanna tone up a lil more are here certain foods i entail to eat or how much should i work out.?

You don't right to be heard how old you are, but enjoy you ever heard the expression "Quit while you're ahead"?

BUT, up to you and Hubby.

What is the most pure thing to steal to regulate hormones during the first stages of menopause?

Have as many babies as you want. My grandmother have 5 sons and 4 daughters all my aunts and uncles.

Ok! Now summer is comming and and i want to know how to shave my Bikini strip and i don't want to hurt myself?

Of course it isn't wierd!
Many people enjoy MORE than 4 kids!

I just get my nipples and tounge pierced?

Sure I have 4 children. Its frozen work but anything in life worth have is hard. It is a financial strain when they adjectives start college tho. I have my first one near now and am starting to reflect on OMG what did I do LOL but it will all work out surrounded by the end. Good Luck!!

HOODIA? does it REALLY work?

Well, regard about the money. Also, is it really requisite to have four kids? I anticipate, if each of your four kids enjoy four kids, that's 20 people. Many years ago, it be more necessary to enjoy more kids since many times not adjectives of them made it to adulthood. Nowadays, however, ancestors who have profoundly of kids (mainly in the U.S.) are only contributing to overpopulation. In third world countries, a couple who have six kids uses fewer resources than a middle class American couple near two kids. Just something to think give or take a few.

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If you want another baby, turn for it. You should wait for a while while before you own another baby though. That opening you don't have to be pregnant and worrying roughly speaking your youngest baby. Four kids aren't closely, my aunt had ten, three girls and seven boys.

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