Tubual Ligation?

I've read that it's done after childbirth or a C-section. Can it be down without childbirth?


Women Only please ?

Yes. I have a tubal without have given birth. I've always agreed that I didn't want children and didn't want to have to hold a pill every day for 40+ years. I will inform you that finding a doctor who is willing to do it (and I'm not sure how weak you are) might be a challenge. They will conspicuously do an in-depth consultation with you to construct sure this is the way you want to walk.

Good Luck!

what is your take on Yoga for stress, I hear it is amazing but am a litlle leary of its technique?

It can be done without childbirth, but impressively rarely will doctors get something done this surgery on women of childbearing age who have not have any children.

What is UD?

yes you can have it done, it will intricate to find a Dr. to performe
that w/o alot of questions. Be sure it is what you want.

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