Can you get pregnant even if you have a condom on?

can you get pregnant if your using protection?
can you win pregnant even if it doesn't break?


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Any small defect within the condom, like a rip or slash will immediately engineer it ineffective. Also, sometimes the condom can slip when it is in use. This is normally cause by improper use.

It is earth-shattering you know how to use them. I know it's an embarassing subject, but you really must learn how to use them properly - articulate with your loved ones planning clinic or sexual health nurse. Condoms can not lone stop unwanted pregnancies, they can save your existence! Get some good information and remember the individual stupid question is the one you don't ask.

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yes...why enjoy you had sex minus protection?

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When used correctly condoms are 97% effective.

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ABSOLUTELY, YOU CAN!! If the condom were to break, you hold just as glorious of chance as lacking one, condoms are NOT 100% effecive

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Yes because here isn't such thing that's 100% proof.

Does anyone know anything around Yaz birth control?


be careful

Ever used a sandwich baggie for a condom?

no, not unless the condom breaks. nearby is nothing is touching u internally exept for the condom

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the best article to do is use a condom with a spermicide.

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If you're using the condom correctly (put in on right and its the right size for the man, especially because they usually buy ones that are too big. Statistical fact.) consequently you should not get pregnant. If it didn't break, at hand's a much higher accident it prevented an unplanned pregnancy. Like all birth controls, they are not 100% successful so anything is possible.

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If the booger leak (as el cheapos are prone to do) then, yes, you can bring back pregnant even if it doesn't break. My advice is to buy the best. They're cheaper surrounded by the long run!

HELP? Pain in my Breast?

condoms are tested many times (as advertise in staying dont apprehension.
to ensure the quality of the product, place at cool heat. never place a condom in the wallet or within the pocket since it may have big temperature...this might interfere with the condom and might damage your sexual organs..
also check the label for more details or find websites that provides tips about condoms.

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YES!! Condoms are single 99% efffective. Even if it doesn't break there could be a tiny pinhole smaller than the eyes can see that sperm could grasp through and possibly cause pregnancy. Using condoms is practicing out of danger sex, but the true safe sex is self-denial. Better to be truely safe than sorry if you're unsuspecting for a long road of responsibilities.

How long until birth control becomes successful?

yes.any questions can be directed to my 4 month feeble daughter... and 2 yr old son..

About sex beside woman?

Yes you can still get pregnant beside protection. Even if it dosen
t break it dosen't mean it did'nt possibly own a small hole or tear contained by it. Nothing is fool proof except NO SEX!

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Yes... they can have tiny hole/s in them...though spermicide would lend a hand in that baggage...however nothing is 100% except not have sex.

What are the chances of pregnancy?

Yup, Yup!

These are not a not dangerous effective device for birth control. They can oblige reduce the spread of STD's but that's in the region of it.

Just say NO! It's not simply for drugs anymore!

The Ol' Sasquatch "U


Yes you can.
If he is using too big of condoms then I would see in the order of getting him some that fits. If you do not want to get pregnant then prevent as much as you can.
If you are amazingly sexually active afterwards you could see about birth control pills. Be cautious..

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Obviously, if it breaks, the semen will leak out. Breakage is unusual, though.
An outdated condom that has be stored in a hot place will be more feasible to break, because the latex could be damaged.
If it is not properly applied (if he doesn't leave your job a little nouns space at the tip), it is more likely to break.
Or, if the vagina is dry.

Sometimes a condom can slide down a touch on the shaft of the penis. If he doesn't notice this and continues to move after he ejaculate, some of the semen could leak out into the vagina.
If the condom is too hulking, this is more likely to occur. The regular ones fit most men.

A common mistake is when a couple doesn't STOP after the man ejaculate. Maybe she's not done, or they want to just lay in attendance resting afterwards. As the erection fades, the semen will filter out of the condom.
To be safe, he have to take it out right after ejaculation, and hold on to it as he does this.

So yes, accident happen! But if you are vigilant, condoms are really very efficient.

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most particularly...the only piece that is 100% successful is abstinance

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A condom should be used to prevent STD not pregnancy.

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