Morning after pill and late period?

When my bf and I had sex this departed Sunday morning, the condom slipped and I could see some whitish discharge at the bottom. I couldn't tell if it be from him, or from me. Since the health center wasn't initiate, I went the subsequent day to bring back Plan B and took it that afternoon. My period be due about 2 days ago. It hasn't come nonetheless. For the past 2-3 days, I've experienced some whitish discharge. I am worried that since I already ovulated by the time I took the pill, it won't work. I read somewhere that the pill be supposed to stop ovulation primarily, but it could prevent implantation. But would a doctor give it to me if it would single work during ovulation? After all, they do ask for the end date of menstruation. Should I be worried that I'm pregnant? For those of you who have taken Plan B and have a delayed period, how long did it transport? I plan on going back to the Dr. on Tuesday if my time is still AWOL, but what can I do to avoid worrying until then? I know stress will stoppage my period, but I merely want it to come. What are the chances of pregnancy within my case?

What would be her probable condition?

MAP is individual about 80% forceful, but the chances of you mortal pregnant are pretty slim...unless you were already pregnant to start with.

MAP works by forcing the uterus to start to break down the facing the egg would normally entrench in, IF it become fertilized. I would suspect that you may have already finished your ovulation cycle (the egg simply lives about 48-36 hours after it's expelled from the ovary), so fertilization is probably unlikely.

The MAP may hold also disrupted your regular cycle (it is a HUGE dose of hormones after all), so you may have a postponed period, or you may skip it entirely this month.

To put your mind at rest, I would recommend that you continue till the middle of next week, and after take an HPT or follow up near your doctor.

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Don't be worried. Everything will be alright. By the way how old-fashioned are you? If you are young you shouldnt be have that with your bf. Especially your bf. Wait til you find married to do that again. Trust me.

My periods are vanishing away?

Is this your first time taking the morning after pill? If so, give your length a week to come on. It took me 8 days after me period be suppose to come before it finally come. The Irony of it all, I be on my way to my doctors appt. when It come on as soon as I turned my car into the parking lot to park. I would try to relax and try to stay unflustered until your appt. That should help.

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I've taken the Morning After Pill 4 times. Apparently 3 times is the most you should take it, but I be told on my third time that it wasn't a problem that I'd already taken it twice before appendage. The most recent time was concluding Sunday, and I'm not due on my period for a coupld of weeks on the other hand. (I am also on the Contraceptive Pill, but I missed a pill, hence I took the Morning After Pill)
The three previous times I took the Morning After Pill, I did not gt pregnant, so I would suggest you have nil to orry about.
To stop yourself stressing more or less it, try and distract yourself by doing things like going out next to friends, concentrating on a project at work, maybe re-decorate/re-arrange a part of the pack of your home. Clean your car, verbs your house, do things that you feel you involve to do but haven't got around to doing it, and listen to the radio or a disc at the same time to stop your mind wandering.
Good luck. :)

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