Severe Abdominal Pain?

I've been have some severe abdominal pain. I woke up ultimate night contained by the middle of the night. It be honestly the most severe pain I hold ever felt surrounded by my life! I newly started my menstraul cycle and it began three days unpaid. I finally got to sleep ultimate night after four ibprofen, a heat pad, and a couple hours of severe distress. Today I am still in headache but it is much better (still bad but much better). My entire tummy feels sensitive next to the concentration of the pain mortal in the lower belly where menstrual cramps materialize. However, most of the pain is on the right. Normally when I experience cramps they are nowhere close to this severe and the whole stomach is not sensitive. I hold No other symptoms such as naseau, fever, etc.. When I press on my belly it is not too sensitive.

What I want to know is people who enjoy experienced severe menstrual cramping, very untimely miscarriage, or appendicitis. What does it feel approaching? I'd like to know the difference between these three.

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I've have a miscarriage, and after having have a baby, I would articulate that a miscarriage feels similar to the early stages of labor which for me be an achy back and headache running down my groin and inner thighs.

I've also had appendicitis and it be like someone stabbing me repeatedly in my stomach next to a pile-driver. It was horrific and took my breath away. There be no way I could own slept through it.

I would say bring in a visit to the urgent protection center and get checked out, if you don't want to sit contained by the ER. Or see if you can get an appointment next to your doctor tomorrow. I honestly couldn't tell you what's going on.

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I had my appendix out after have very severe abdominal torment. I was within pain at around 12 midnight & it get worse from the and ended up going to the ER at 3am. The spasm for me was excruciating and I couldn't even stand up straight in reality, I had to be bent over kinda of, also if it is hurting on one side is particularly a sign it could be your appendix, when I went to the ER they told me it would be more affliction on the opposite side my appendix be on, if you are still in greatly of pain you should unequivocally go to the ER, if it is the appendix you don't want it to rupture! Good luck!

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Sorry I own not had any of those, but I have an idea that if I was you I would step to a doctor right a way! But you could also look up you symptoms on Webmd. Hope you acquire to feeling better soon.

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Appendicitis anguish usually starts from your navel and spreads from there. You might consistency as if you want to defecate and can't. It can also give nausea and hallucination.

Early miscarriage signs are Low-back pain or abdominal discomfort that is dull, sharp, or cramping, vaginal bleeding, near or without abdominal cramps and tissue or clot-like textile that passes from the vagina. It's what most ressembles your signs.

Sever menstrual cramps are mostly on the lower tummy, and don't irradiate to the waist or thighs as an early miscarriage might do. A lot of the times the cramps win better after passing a clot.

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I know exactly what you're going through. Pain on the lower right side COULD be the appendix, because that organ is on the right side. BUT it is possible to be an ovarian cyst on your right side ovary. ovarian cysts cause affliction on one side or the other. they also cause your extent to be delayed. i had alike horrible pain and be panicked because i know the appendix was on the right side. but something told me to walk the gyn, instead of regular doc, and he told me that it seemed that i have an ovarian cyst that ruptured. an ultrasound confirmed it. they go away on their own. if you step on the pill it will definitely clear it up. i be always on the pill, and as soon as i go off it for two months, thats when the cyst formed. it hurt really weakly for about a week, later i would feel mild misery on and off for the subsequent three weeks. then i get my period again as regular and it stopped hurting. see your gyn about it.

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Go to the doctor or emergency room. I have this happen to me and it turned out anyone an eptopic pregnancy. If they don't remove it you could die. I went into the er the first time, doctor told me it be my body trying to miscarry and sent me home. I returned the next hours of darkness in path more pain and they told me I needed emergency surgery or I would die. Please acquire this checked out ASAP. I didn't even know I was pregnant at the time.

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