Does anyone know a natural cure for yeast infections?


I have feel suicidal lately, and wonder if anyone has any numbers I can phone call for help?

What I do that help is fill up an derelict tampon dispenser thing near yogurt. Then freeze it in the freezer afterwards insert it when frozen at night b4 you progress to bed so it sits in in attendance for a while.

Is RU-486, also called the morning after pill?

alum in a shallow hip bath. it dries it out. only works for mild ones though!!

Do condoms in fact work?

drink plenty of water put a ceiling on your sugar intake try taking hot baths and dont dush or use tampons and dont use any soaps on your private area merely plan water.

Does any1 know if aloe vera help dimish stretch marks?

I suggest adjectives natural Optiflora. Many times this type of infection can be cause by an imbalance of "good" and "bad" microbes in the intestines. Optiflora is a two-product system that includes Probiotic (Bifidus & Acidophilus...microflora) + Prebiotic ( source for microflora). Due to its patented encapsulation process, nativity of 500 million live microflora is guaranteed to the intestines.

Also, Garlic Complex destroys overgrowth of yeast.

Hope this is helpful and surface free to contact me with question.

My eyes always look and quality so dead and tireddd during the afternoon, can you help?

Douche near white vinegar (about 20% in water).

It stings a bit, but it'll usually clear it up in a matter of hours.

Can using tampons impose urinary tract infection?

drink cranberry juice, put away yogurt wear cotton panties, don't have sex and brand sure you keep that nouns clean and label sure it is dry

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