Pain when pee?

i'm in agony everytime i pee, n i need to shift toilet evry half n hour or an hr coz i feel myself cant control my pee anymore.
may i know wat's happening to me?
i cant even drink more than gls of river one time
wat slhd i tell the doc when i have need of a treatment?

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You might have a bladder infection, also agreed as a Urinary Tract Infection, or UTI. It causes a burning sensation everytime you pee, and sometimes it can discern like within is an extreme urgency to pee and then you can with the sole purpose get a drop or two out. It is technically common, and can be treated beside over the counter medicine (for the symptoms). Sometimes you will see traces of blood surrounded by your urine. Cranberry juice can abet alleviate the pain, but if you do indeed own a UTI, your doctor will need to prescribe you anti-biotics. Before he/she does, they will lug a urine sample to sort sure. Untreated, it can lead to kidney problems but usually clears up near medication within a week or so.

i am to embarassed to telll my mom nearly skipping my period for two years.HELP!?

tell him whats up and tell him that it really hurts i have an idea that that mayb he should help u because this nouns serious??

What's wrong with me?

Sounds resembling either a urinary tract, bladder or kidney infection. Just relay your Dr. that you are peeing often, it burns. They will want a taste to test, and confer you anitbiotics. Very uncomfortable, but extremely treatable.

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You probably have a urinary tract infection. Try drinking cranberry liquid, it helps plentifully.

Feel better:)

prolapse uterus?

Well , I think first things first you inevitability to go to a doctor and see what he think it is and then follow his suggested treatment. I don't dream up that is as reliable as a trained doctor.
That being said, I suggest you may have a Urinary Tract Infection. The treatment will most possible be a course of antibiotics and a suggestion of drinking cranberry juice.
However, this could also be an STD.

Good Luck

Why am I flat chested?

either you enjoy an infection or you are pregnant.

go to your doctor.

What food do you resembling to eat after sex?

Just speak about the doctor what you've said here. It's important that you see the doctor rapidly because things will get worse.

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i love golden showers, pee all over my obverse, your probabvly hav an STD... but thats never stopped me before

discharge..i deem?

You see your doctor IMMEDIATELY and tell your doctor precisely what you've told us. Then, don't be surprised to be diagnosed next to a UTI. You'll be given a prescription for antibiotics, and advised at impossible to tell apart time to drink cranberry juice.

THe liquid alone won't cut it. This is an infection and not treating a UTI can kill your kidneys. Don't argue next to any of this and don't delay. It's not worth the risk.

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