am i pregnant?

ok i have no symptoms of pregnancy but counterweight gain what is it i drank lot of water 4 bloating nought i dont eat alot nothing


i have an unusual discharge after having sex?

Don't hysterics. Everyone gets somewhat bloated from time to time. In the summer time our bodies tend to hold water cause bloating, feet swelling that sort of entry.

If you miss you period, stir to the doctor, until then, maintain you hand bad of the panic button, and cause sure next time you nick measures to prevent you from getting worried like this again.

How can a 40 yr woman perk up her breast? r within any exercises that really work?

that'll do it! you're having twins!

I lug Linessa 28 birth control pills? Just wondering if anyone has experienced a brown spotting?

sure why not

i enjoy stopped even accessing this quest coz it distracted me 2 much .inform me truly,wood it help?

Have you missed a length yet? Some test can be taken before you skip your time of year. Take a pregnancy test.

What should I do in a minute?

home pregnacny test are truly pretty acurate but you can go to the doctor to be sure

Does pineapple liquid really make your breath smell better?


Do panicky people slip away gas a lot?

I didnt enjoy any symtoms but weight gain and it turns out i'm pregnat.

Water and menstruation?

You should know the answer to this examine, but taking into consideration your inability to produce complete sentences, I'll take pity on you.

If you want to know whether or not you're pregnant you should cart a pregnancy test.

If you want to know why you're getting solid, you should ask your doctor.

~Boob Problems~?

judging from how you phrased your statement above I'd say a more pertinent cross-examine would be "Am I literate?"

Women,How do you know when you are going thru menopause?

try a home pregnancy test

Is it hygienic (im a girl)?

get alot of rest eat heathy food drink plenty of fluid similar to apple juice hose down orange liquid eat vegetable ans fruits too
do not pick up nil heavy progress to parenting classes if there is any where on earth you can email me at [email protected]

Hi please take a look?

How long have it been since your end period? If it have been 4 weeks, you can rob an over the counter pregnancy test and it will narrate you one way or the other.

Usually at hand are a lot more symptoms than achievement weight, but probably not if it's very rash in your pregnancy.

How do I return with rid of a bloated tummy ?

have u gotten ur period?

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