Is it harmful for a pregnant woman to clean a cat litter box because of the fumes/toxins?


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Pregnant women need to be aware that toxoplasmosis (TOX-so-plaz-MO-sis) can wreak problems with pregnancy, including abortion. Toxoplasmosis is an infection cause by a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. This parasite is carried by cats and is passed contained by their feces (stool). However, people are more predictable to get toxoplasmosis from consumption undercooked meat or gardening than from contact with pet cats. By following simple sanctuary tips, pregnant women can reduce the risk of getting toxoplasmosis from cats.

If you own a cat, own a non-pregnant person transform the litter box every day. If at hand is no one else to correct the litter box, wear gloves and wash hand with soap and running river after changing the litter.

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Pregnant women should not silver the cat litter box. Cat Litter may contain organisms that can transmit toxoplasmosis, an infectious disease that can harm the fetus.

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no, don't listen to these those, it's harmless--just wash your hand

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YES! You can pick up microorganisms that can inflict a baby to be brain tattered! Come on, you have to know this! Stay away from the kitty box..what is the situation with you?

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It is not the fumes but a parasite surrounded by Cat feces, while it is safe to enjoy cats you should not do the litter box.

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Yes, it is. There's something in the cat poop that can be toxic to a pregnant woman and fetus. I can't remember what it's call, but it should be easy to research or ask an OB/GYN.

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im pregnant 38weeks and its advised not too do any entry like that even cleaning products should not be used. and what ever u do do not tolerate your cat sleep on you belly it is very dangrous for ur toddler

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The reason it can be venomous to the baby is because some outdoor cats and conceivably even indoor ones can carry a parasite call Toxoplamosis. It is well particular that pregnant women should not clean litter boxes.

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Toxoplasmosis is a rare but serious blood infection that can effect birth defects including blindness, deafness, and mental retardation. The parasite that cause toxoplasmosis is rare, but it can be found contained by the solid waste of cats. If you enjoy a cat, get someone else to verbs the litter box, and avoid gardening in places where the cat may own deposited feces. If avoiding these tasks is impossible, wear rubber gloves!

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Yes it is bad!

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It can transmit toxoplasmosis that can harm your fetus.

Good Luck!

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As long as you're discreet everything should be fine. Just make sure you mop up your hands after and if your concerned return with some surgical masks from the drug store. They're inexpensive and will stop you from inhaling some of the toxins.

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Cats are the host species for Toxoplasma gondii, a type of protozoa. The protozoa and its eggs are in the cat's feces, so when you verbs a litter box, you are potentially exposed to it. It doesn't cause any damage to a normal full-grown, but it can cause birth defect and mental retardation to the fetus, which is why they tell pregnant women not to verbs litter boxes.

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Yes, you shouldn't verbs the litter box while pregnant. To much bacteria.

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That is a appropriate question. Yes it is fashion your husband do it. I did.Many pregnant women have cats surrounded by their household. Why should pregnant women avoid coming in contact with cat litter?

Toxoplasmosis is a adjectives infection found in up to 40% of all cat owners. It's a minor infection that generally does not cause any side effects at adjectives. However, it can be extremely harmful to a developing fetus. For this judgment, pregnant women should turn over cat litter duties to someone else during their pregnancy.

It is only the cat stool that carry this threat, so keep the litter box somewhere away from the regular kinfolk areas, and have someone save for the mother care for the box during the pregnancy spell. Once the baby is born, the little one and the cats can grow up together.

Pregnancy Page

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Toxoplasmosis is the disease that's associated near a parasite you can get from cat feces. But, not adjectives cats have this parasite surrounded by their system. The cats that are most at risk for getting this parasite are cats that are allowed outside, eat birds or rodents, or drink raw/undercooked meat. If your cat is an indoor cat that eats simply dry or canned food, next the risk to you is minimal, because they probably haven't been exposed to the parasite.

But to be on the out of danger side, if there is someone else who can verbs your cat's box while you're pregnant, it would be a good concept. Your cat's box should also be cleaned on a daily spring to further decrease the risk. If you enjoy to do it, make definite you wear disposable rubber gloves and wash your hand thoroughly and dispose of the gloves after doing so.

Now here's the kicker. The parasites associated next to Toxoplasmosis can also be found in unprocessed meat and outside in the soil. So.if you are preparing or handling untreated meat, you might consider wearing gloves. You also don't want to be consuming any raw or undercooked meat any while you're pregnant. Cooking kills the parasite.

You also want to wear rubber gloves if you're going to be doing any gardening so you don't accidently come in contact next to any hidden cat feces contained by the soil (cats love to bury their business in soft soil).

Good luck to you!

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